additional workarounds for code oss remote 1.83

Inga 🏳‍🌈 7 months ago
parent 12f09bb26f
commit 327948458f
  1. 33

@ -740,7 +740,6 @@ and only VSCodium has official server-side builds, so you'll need to use custom
Steps to get it running, assuming that you already have keyring and key-based SSH auth (with non-RSA key) configured:
In container (one of the sources:
doas apk add gcompat libstdc++ curl bash git procps
@ -752,16 +751,46 @@ On host (where you intend to run IDE client):
`doas apk add code-oss`
Run `code-oss`, add "Open Remote - SSH" extension by jeanp413.
Go to its settings, and set "Server Download Url Template" to
Go to its settings, and:
* Set "Server Download Url Template" to
(otherwise it will download VSCodium server-side builds by default).
* Set "Experimental: Server Binary Name" to `openvscode-server` (otherwise it will try to launch remote `code-server-oss` which does not exist and never will, taking its name from Code OSS `product.json`).
Exit `code-oss`.
Add `"enable-proposed-api": [""]` at the root level of `~/.vscode-oss/argv.json`.
> ##### Patch code-oss manifests
> (TODO: figure how to optimize this step without having to manually patch them after every update)
> In /usr/lib/code-uss/resources/app:
> * Update `package.json`: update `version` and `distro` fields to refer to the compatible version (for example, latest code-oss in aports at the moment of this writing is 1.83.1, but openvscode-server is only released for 1.83.0);
> * Update `product.json`: update `version` field and add `commit` field as needed; change `serverApplicationName` from `code-server-oss` (which does not exist and never will) to `openvscode-server` ()
Run `code-oss` again, you'll get remote button under the marketplace button.
Go there, add your host, right-click it, connect.
Connection should be successful, and you should see "connected to remote" on Code OSS main screen.
> ##### Work around certain musl incompatibilities
> Some openvscode-server versions cannot start on Alpine (
> In order to solve this, after Open Remote - SSH extension downloaded and unpacked REH binaries and displayed an error saying that it could not start the remote server:
> SSH into the container, go to `~/.vscode-server-oss/bin/COMMIT_NAME/`,
> ```
> doas apk add ouch
> wget
> ouch decompress
> rm node
> cp node-v18.15.0-linux-x64-musl/bin/node .
> ```
> and tell Code OSS to try again.
"Open folder" should take you to the remote directory structure, allowing you to open projects hosted in container.
All code-related extensions will also work in remote context, isolated from the parent system and unable to affect it,
no matter what malicious npm packages get installed into container.
