Small Nest.js-based project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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type InternalMovieData = {
* Description in local language
description: string;
* A whole number of minutes, presumably
duration: number;
id: number;
imdbId: string;
* Two-letter codes
languages: string[];
* Two-letter code
originalLanguage: string;
productionYear: number;
studios: string[];
* Title in local language
title: string;
userrating: {
countStar1: number;
countStar2: number;
countStar3: number;
countStar4: number;
countStar5: number;
countTotal: number;
type MovieData = {
internalId?: number;
imdbId: string;
title: string;
localTitle: string;
description: string;
localDescription: string;
posterUrl: string;
type: 'movie' | 'series';
* A whole number of minutes
duration: number;
totalSeasons: number;
* Two-letter code
originalLanguage: string;
* Two-letter codes
availableLanguages: string[];
productionYear: number;
releaseDate: string;
dvdReleaseDate: string;
genres: string[];
directors: string[];
writers: string[];
actors: string[];
studios: string[];
awards: string;
productionCountries: string[];
boxOffice: string;
contentRating: string;
website: string;
ratings: {
source: string;
value: string;
export type StrictPartial<
TForbiddenKeys extends keyof T,
TOptionalKeys extends Exclude<keyof T, TForbiddenKeys>,
> = Omit<T, TForbiddenKeys | TOptionalKeys> & Partial<Pick<T, TOptionalKeys>>;
export type NormalizedOmdbData = StrictPartial<
| 'availableLanguages'
| 'localDescription'
| 'localTitle'
| 'originalLanguage'
| 'studios',
| 'boxOffice'
| 'contentRating'
| 'directors'
| 'dvdReleaseDate'
| 'totalSeasons'
| 'website'
export type InternalMoviesProvider = {
internalId: number,
): Promise<InternalMovieData | undefined>;
imdbId: string,
): Promise<InternalMovieData | undefined>;
export type OmdbProvider = {
getMetadata(imdbId: string): Promise<NormalizedOmdbData | undefined>;