Small Nest.js-based project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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export type RawOmdbData = Readonly<{
Actors: string;
Awards: string;
BoxOffice?: string;
Country: string;
DVD?: string;
Director: string;
Genre: string;
Language: string;
Metascore: string;
Plot: string;
Poster: string;
Production?: string;
Rated: string;
Ratings: Readonly<
Source: string;
Value: string;
Released: string;
Runtime: string;
Title: string;
Type: 'movie' | 'series';
Website?: string;
Writer: string;
Year: string;
imdbID: string;
imdbRating: string;
imdbVotes: string;
totalSeasons?: string;
export type OmdbResponse =
| {
Response: 'False';
Error: string;
| (RawOmdbData & {
Response: 'True';
export type OmdbApiClient = {
fetchMetadata(imdbId: string): Promise<RawOmdbData | undefined>;