Demo application (tic-tac-toe game and more) built with Web Components, with progressive enhancement / graceful degradation.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.1 KiB

# Assignment
3 weeks ago
> Code a tic-tac-toe game
> Depending on the job you are applying for, you can code in Javascript (ECMA) or C++.
> Requirements
> * Use your own code only and start from scratch
> * Player can choose the opponent to be human or computer
> * Use [L]GPL'ed libraries if necessary, please include copyright notes
> * Let us know how long it took you to code the game
> JavaScript version
> * Implement in Javascript so that it works in Mozilla Firefox
> * Make use of CSS, provide nice visuals
> * Make the back button work
> C++ version
> * Implement in C++, so that i works on the command line under Linux
> * The opponent has to be unbeatable
3 weeks ago
# Solution
## Time spent
* ~0.5 hours to set up the project;
* ~5 hours to implement game board serialization, tic-tac-toe rules and game solver (with tests);
* ~1 hour to set up the backend / frontend structure with JSX templating and static resources;
* ~2 hours to implement progressively enhanced form and query string value trackers (both on backend and in web components);
3 weeks ago
* ...