"use strict"; const builder = require("../lib/builder"); const commenter = require("../lib/commenter"); const getBranchDescription = (options) => `${options.owner}/${options.reponame}:${options.branchname || options.branch}`; const processPush = (req, res, payload) => { const repository = payload.repository; const options = { "app": req.app, "branch": payload.ref, "owner": repository.owner.name, "reponame": repository.name, "rev": payload.after, "url": repository.url }; console.log(`Got push event for ${getBranchDescription(options)}`); builder.build(options, (err, result) => { console.log("Done processing request from GitHub"); console.log(`Error: ${err}`); res.send(`Done processing request from GitHub\r\nError: ${err}\r\nResult: ${result}`); }); }; const processPullRequest = (req, res, payload) => { const action = payload.action; const number = payload.number; const pullRequest = payload.pull_request; const head = pullRequest.head; const headRepo = head.repo; const headRepoOptions = { "branch": `refs/heads/${head.ref}`, "branchname": head.ref, "owner": headRepo.owner.name || headRepo.owner.login, "reponame": headRepo.name, "rev": head.sha, "url": headRepo.url }; const base = pullRequest.base; const baseRepo = base.repo; const baseRepoOptions = { "branchname": base.ref, "owner": baseRepo.owner.name || baseRepo.owner.login, "reponame": baseRepo.name }; const options = { action, "app": req.app, baseRepoOptions, headRepoOptions, number }; const masterOptions = { action, "app": req.app, baseRepoOptions, "headRepoOptions": baseRepoOptions, number }; console.log(`Got pull request ${action} event, ` + `from ${getBranchDescription(headRepoOptions)} (${headRepoOptions.rev}) to ${getBranchDescription(baseRepoOptions)}`); if (action !== "opened" && action !== "reopened" && action !== "synchronize" && action !== "closed") { return res.send("Only opened/reopened/synchronize/closed actions are supported"); } if (action === "closed" && !pullRequest.merged) { console.log("Pull request closed without merging"); return res.send("Pull request closed without merging"); } if (action === "closed") { return res.send(""); } return commenter.commentOnPullRequest( (action === "closed" && masterOptions) || options, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.log(`Unable to post comment: ${err}`); } res.send(err || data); } ); }; module.exports = (req, res) => { if (!req.body || (!req.body.payload && !req.body.repository)) { return res.end(); } const eventType = req.header("x-github-event"); const payload = (req.body.payload && JSON.parse(req.body.payload)) || req.body; if (eventType === "push") { return processPush(req, res, payload); } if (eventType === "pull_request") { return processPullRequest(req, res, payload); } console.log(`Got "${eventType}" event:`); return res.send("Only push/pull_request events are supported"); };