Added more type declarations; bug fixes

Inga 🏳‍🌈 7 years ago
parent edc52ebffd
commit 554080d193
  1. 1
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 41
  6. 7
  7. 11
  8. 4
  9. 8
  10. 4
  11. 9
  12. 4
  13. 4
  14. 50
  15. 6
  16. 54
  17. 23

@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ export const build = (settings: Settings, options, buildCallback) => {
}, (processErr, result) => {
if (processErr) {

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
"use strict";
import * as express from "express";
import { getSettings } from "../settings-wrapper";
export default (req, res) => {
export default ((req, res) => {
const options = {
branch: `/refs/heads/${req.params.branch}`,
branchName: req.params.branch,
@ -17,4 +19,4 @@ export default (req, res) => {
const pathParts = [settings.releasepath, options.owner, options.reponame, options.branch, options.rev, options.file];
}) as express.RequestHandler;

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
"use strict";
import * as express from "express";
import artifact from "./artifact";
import * as manual from "./manual";
import postreceive from "./postreceive";
import release from "./release";
import * as status from "./status";
const index = (req, res) => res.render("index", { title: `Express<br/>\r\n${req}` });
const index: express.RequestHandler = (req, res) => res.render("index", { title: `Express<br/>\r\n${req}` });
export { index, postreceive, manual, status, artifact, release };

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
"use strict";
import * as express from "express";
import * as _ from "underscore";
import { build } from "../builder";
import { getSettings } from "../settings-wrapper";
export const get = (req, res) => res.render("manual");
export const get: express.RequestHandler = (req, res) => res.render("manual");
export const post = (req, res) => {
export const post: express.RequestHandler = (req, res) => {
const settings = getSettings(;
const options = {

@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
"use strict";
import * as express from "express";
import * as JSONParse from "json-parse-safe";
import { build } from "../builder";
import { commentOnPullRequest } from "../commenter";
import { getSettings } from "../settings-wrapper";
import { HookParameters, HookPullRequestPayload, HookPushPayload } from "../types";
interface IBaseRepoOptions {
branch: string;
branchname?: string;
owner: string;
reponame: string;
const getBranchDescription = (options) => `${options.owner}/${options.reponame}:${options.branchname || options.branch}`;
const getBranchDescription = (options: IBaseRepoOptions) => `${options.owner}/${options.reponame}:${options.branchname || options.branch}`;
const processPush = (req, res, payload) => {
const processPush = (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, payload: HookPushPayload) => {
const settings = getSettings(;
const repository = payload.repository;
const options = {
@ -27,7 +37,7 @@ const processPush = (req, res, payload) => {
const processPullRequest = (req, res, payload) => {
const processPullRequest = (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, payload: HookPullRequestPayload) => {
const action = payload.action;
const pullRequestNumber = payload.number;
const pullRequest = payload.pull_request;
@ -44,6 +54,7 @@ const processPullRequest = (req, res, payload) => {
const base = pullRequest.base;
const baseRepo = base.repo;
const baseRepoOptions = {
branch: `refs/heads/${base.ref}`,
branchname: base.ref,
owner: || baseRepo.owner.login,
@ -79,7 +90,7 @@ const processPullRequest = (req, res, payload) => {
return res.send("");
return commentOnPullRequest(settings, (action === "closed" && masterOptions) || options, (err, data) => {
return commentOnPullRequest(settings, options, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`Unable to post comment: ${err}`);
@ -96,23 +107,27 @@ const getPayload = (body) => {
return JSONParse(body.payload).value;
export default (req, res) => {
const getParameters = (req: express.Request): HookParameters => ({
eventType: req.header("x-github-event") as any,
payload: getPayload(req.body),
export default ((req, res) => {
if (!req.body || (!req.body.payload && !req.body.repository)) {
return res.end();
const eventType = req.header("x-github-event");
const payload = getPayload(req.body);
const parameters = getParameters(req);
if (eventType === "push") {
return processPush(req, res, payload);
if (parameters.eventType === "push") {
return processPush(req, res, parameters.payload);
if (eventType === "pull_request") {
return processPullRequest(req, res, payload);
if (parameters.eventType === "pull_request") {
return processPullRequest(req, res, parameters.payload);
console.log(`Got "${eventType}" event:`);
console.log(`Got "${parameters.eventType}" event:`);
return res.send("Only push/pull_request events are supported");
}) as express.RequestHandler;

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"use strict";
import { create as createArchiver } from "archiver";
import * as express from "express";
import { join } from "path";
import { readReport } from "../report-processor";
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ const getDatePart = (report) => {
return `${year}.${month}.${day}.${hours}.${minutes}.${seconds}`;
export default (req, res, next) => {
export default ((req, res, next) => {
const options = {
branch: `/refs/heads/${req.params.branch}`,
branchName: req.params.branch,
@ -43,10 +44,10 @@ export default (req, res, next) => {
const archive = createArchiver("zip");
archive.on("error", next);
res.attachment(`${options.reponame}.${getDatePart(report)}.${options.rev}.zip`, ".");
archive.pipe(res);, false);
return archive.finalize();
}) as express.RequestHandler;

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
import * as express from "express";
import * as _ from "underscore";
import { parse } from "url";
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ const parseOptionsFromReferer = (path, callback) => {
const createShowReport = (res) => (err, inputOptions) => {
const createShowReport = (res: express.Response) => (err, inputOptions) => {
const options = {
...inputOptions || {},
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ const createShowReport = (res) => (err, inputOptions) => {
res.render("status", options);
export const image = (req, res) => {
export const image: express.RequestHandler = (req, res) => {
const getAdditionalOptions = (err, options) => {
if (err === "ReportFileNotFound") {
return { status: "Building" };
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ export const image = (req, res) => {
export const page = (req, res) => {
export const page: express.RequestHandler = (req, res) => {
const options = {
branch: `/refs/heads/${req.params.branch}`,
branchName: req.params.branch,
@ -118,10 +119,10 @@ export const page = (req, res) => {
getReport(getSettings(, options, createShowReport(res));
export const pageFromGithub = (req, res) => parseOptionsFromReferer(req.params[0], (err, options) => {
export const pageFromGithub: express.RequestHandler = (req, res) => parseOptionsFromReferer(req.params[0], (err, options) => {
if (err) {
return createShowReport(res)(err, options);
return getReport( /* xxx */, options, createShowReport(res));
return getReport(getSettings(, options, createShowReport(res));

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import * as _ from "underscore";
import tasks from "./tasks";
import { MessagesRoot, Settings, TaskInfo, TaskProcessor, TaskProcessorCallback, TaskProcessorCore } from "./types";
import { MessagesRoot, ProcessTaskContext, Settings, TaskInfo, TaskProcessor, TaskProcessorCallback, TaskProcessorCore } from "./types";
// TaskProcessor does not look like EventEmitter, so no need to extend EventEmitter and use `emit' here.
const createTaskProcessor = (task: TaskInfo, outerProcessor: TaskProcessorCore, callback: TaskProcessorCallback) => {
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ const addFlag = (flags) => (flagName) => {
const containsFlag = (flags) => (flagName) => flags[flagName];
export const processTask = (settings: Settings, task, context, callback) => {
export const processTask = (settings: Settings, task, context: ProcessTaskContext, callback) => {
const errors: MessagesRoot = { $allMessages: [] };
const warns: MessagesRoot = { $allMessages: [] };
const infos: MessagesRoot = { $allMessages: [] };

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"use strict";
import { spawn } from "child_process";
import { ChildProcess, spawn } from "child_process";
import * as JSONParse from "json-parse-safe";
import { WritableStreamBuffer } from "stream-buffers";
import { Task } from "../types";
const wrapBuilder = (builder, input, onExit) => {
const wrapBuilder = (builder: ChildProcess, input: string, onExit: (code: number, result: string, builderError: string) => void) => {
const stdoutPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const streamBuffer = new WritableStreamBuffer();
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ const wrapBuilder = (builder, input, onExit) => {
Promise.all([stdoutPromise, stderrPromise, builderPromise]).then((values) => {
const [result, builderError, code] = values;
onExit(code, result, builderError);
}).catch((err) => onExit(0, undefined, err));
onExit(code as number, result as string, builderError as string);
}).catch((err) => onExit(0, "", err));
export default ((params, processor) => () => {

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
import { join } from "path";
import { Task } from "../types";
import { Task, TaskProcessor } from "../types";
import sequential from "./sequential";
const postfixLength = 16;
const fourDigits = 10000;
const twoDigits = 100;
const addPostfix = (version, params, processor) => {
const addPostfix = (version, params, processor: TaskProcessor) => {
if (params.withoutCommitSha) {
return version;

@ -5,18 +5,19 @@ import { readFile, writeFile } from "fs";
import * as glob from "glob";
import { join } from "path";
import { Settings, Task } from "../types";
import { Settings, Task, TaskProcessor } from "../types";
const flagDoneName = "dotnetrewriterDone";
const processAssemblyInfo = (params, processor, appendInformationalVersion) => (originalContent, cb) => {
const processAssemblyInfo = (params, processor: TaskProcessor, appendInformationalVersion: boolean) => (originalContent, cb) => {
const processInternalsVisible = (content) => {
if (params.skipCodeSigning || processor.settings.xxxskipCodeSigning) {
if (processor.settings.skipCodeSigning || params.skipCodeSigning) {
return content;
const publicKey = processor.settings.codeSigningPublicKey;
const pattern = /InternalsVisibleTo\s*\(\s*"([\w.]+)"\s*\)/g;
const replacer = (match, p1) => `InternalsVisibleTo("${p1},PublicKey=${processor.settings.codeSigningPublicKey}")`;
const replacer = (match, p1) => `InternalsVisibleTo("${p1},PublicKey=${publicKey}")`;
return content.replace(pattern, replacer);

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
import { parallel } from "async";
import { Task } from "../types";
import { Task, TaskProcessor } from "../types";
const mapper = (processor) => (task) => (callback) => processor.processTask(task, callback);
const mapper = (processor: TaskProcessor) => (task) => (callback) => processor.processTask(task, callback);
export default ((params, processor) => () => parallel(, processor.done)) as Task;

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
import { series } from "async";
import { Task } from "../types";
import { Task, TaskProcessor } from "../types";
const mapper = (processor) => (task) => (callback) => processor.processTask(task, callback);
const mapper = (processor: TaskProcessor) => (task) => (callback) => processor.processTask(task, callback);
export default ((params, processor) => () => series(, processor.done)) as Task;

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
interface IOwnerInfo {
readonly name: string;
readonly login: string;
interface IRepositoryInfo {
readonly owner: IOwnerInfo;
readonly name: string;
readonly url: string;
interface ITargetInfo {
readonly repo: IRepositoryInfo;
readonly ref: string;
readonly sha: string;
interface IPullRequestInfo {
readonly head: ITargetInfo;
readonly base: ITargetInfo;
readonly merged: boolean;
export interface IHookPushPayload {
readonly repository: IRepositoryInfo;
readonly ref: string;
readonly after: string;
export interface IHookPullRequestPayload {
readonly action: "opened" | "reopened" | "closed" | "synchronize" | "other-unsupported-actions";
readonly number: number;
readonly pull_request: IPullRequestInfo;
interface IHookPushParameters {
readonly eventType: "push";
readonly payload: IHookPushPayload;
interface IHookPullRequestParameters {
readonly eventType: "pull_request";
readonly payload: IHookPullRequestPayload;
interface IHookUnsupportedRequestParameters {
readonly eventType: "other-unsupported-events";
export type HookParameters = IHookPushParameters | IHookPullRequestParameters | IHookUnsupportedRequestParameters;

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
import * as GithubTypes from "./github-types";
import * as ReportTypes from "./report-types";
import * as SettingsTypes from "./settings-types";
import * as TaskProcessorTypes from "./task-processor-types";
export type HookPushPayload = GithubTypes.IHookPushPayload;
export type HookPullRequestPayload = GithubTypes.IHookPullRequestPayload;
export type HookParameters = GithubTypes.HookParameters;
export type Message = ReportTypes.IMessage;
export type Messages = ReportTypes.Messages;
export type MessagesRoot = ReportTypes.MessagesRoot;
@ -10,6 +15,7 @@ export type ReportResult = ReportTypes.IReportResult;
export type Settings = SettingsTypes.Settings;
export type ProcessTaskContext = TaskProcessorTypes.IProcessTaskContext;
export type Task = TaskProcessorTypes.Task;
export type TaskInfo = TaskProcessorTypes.ITaskInfo;
export type TaskProcessor = TaskProcessorTypes.ITaskProcessor;

@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
import * as Github from "github";
interface IBuilderSettings {
builderExecutable: string;
readonly builderExecutable: string;
interface ICodeAnalysisSettingsUnsupported {
isCodeAnalysisUnsupported: true;
readonly isCodeAnalysisUnsupported: true;
interface ICodeAnalysisSettingsSupported {
eslintBrowserConfig: string;
ignoreCodeAnalysisByDefault: boolean;
isCodeAnalysisUnsupported: false;
readonly eslintBrowserConfig: string;
readonly ignoreCodeAnalysisByDefault: boolean;
readonly isCodeAnalysisUnsupported: false;
type CodeAnalysisSettings = ICodeAnalysisSettingsUnsupported | ICodeAnalysisSettingsSupported;
interface ICodeSigningSettingsUnsupported {
skipCodeSigning: true;
readonly skipCodeSigning: true;
interface ICodeSigningSettingsSupported {
codeSigningKeyFile: string;
codeSigningPublicKey: string;
skipCodeSigning: false;
readonly codeSigningKeyFile: string;
readonly codeSigningPublicKey: string;
readonly skipCodeSigning: false;
type CodeSigningSettings = ICodeSigningSettingsUnsupported | ICodeSigningSettingsSupported;
interface IStorageSettings {
gitpath: string;
releasepath: string;
tmpcodepath: string;
readonly gitpath: string;
readonly releasepath: string;
readonly tmpcodepath: string;
interface INugetSettings {
nugetApiKey: string;
nugetHost: string;
readonly nugetApiKey: string;
readonly nugetHost: string;
interface ISmtpSettings {
smtp: {
auth: {
pass: string;
user: string;
readonly smtp: {
readonly auth: {
readonly pass: string;
readonly user: string;
host: string;
receiver: string;
sender: string;
readonly host: string;
readonly receiver: string;
readonly sender: string;
interface ISiteSettings {
port: number | string;
siteRoot: string;
viewspath: string;
faviconpath: string;
staticcontentpath: string;
readonly port: number | string;
readonly siteRoot: string;
readonly viewspath: string;
readonly faviconpath: string;
readonly staticcontentpath: string;
interface IGithubSettings {
createGithub: (repoOwner: string) => Github;
readonly createGithub: (repoOwner: string) => Github;
export type Settings = IBuilderSettings & CodeAnalysisSettings & CodeSigningSettings & IStorageSettings & INugetSettings & ISmtpSettings & ISiteSettings & IGithubSettings;

@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
import { Settings } from "./settings-types";
export interface IProcessTaskContext {
readonly exported: string;
readonly release: string;
readonly owner: string;
readonly reponame: string;
readonly branch: string;
readonly rev: string;
readonly versionInfo: string;
interface ITaskProcessorContext extends IProcessTaskContext {
readonly addFlag: (flagName: string) => void;
readonly containsFlag: (flagName: string) => boolean;
export type TaskProcessorCallback = (err: string) => void;
export interface ITaskProcessorCore {
@ -7,7 +22,7 @@ export interface ITaskProcessorCore {
readonly onWarn: (message: string, prefix?: string) => void;
readonly onInfo: (message: string, prefix?: string) => void;
readonly settings: Settings;
readonly context?: any;
readonly context: ITaskProcessorContext;
export interface ITaskProcessor extends ITaskProcessorCore {
@ -17,9 +32,9 @@ export interface ITaskProcessor extends ITaskProcessorCore {
export interface ITaskInfo {
name?: string;
type: string;
params: any;
readonly name?: string;
readonly type: string;
readonly params: any;
export type Task = (params: any, processor: ITaskProcessor) => () => void;
