Build server prototype (integration with GitHub / NuGet / etc)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
1.5 KiB

"use strict";
import * as GitHubApi from "github";
import { join } from "path";
import run from "./lib";
import { Settings } from "./lib/types";
const createGithub = () => new GitHubApi({
debug: false,
headers: { "user-agent": "micro-build-server" },
host: "",
pathPrefix: "/api/v3",
protocol: "https",
timeout: 5000,
const settings: Settings = {
builderExecutable: "../DotNetBuilder/bin/Debug/MicroBuildServer.DotNetBuilder.exe",
createGithub: (repoOwner) => {
const github = createGithub();
password: "password",
type: "basic",
username: "username",
return github;
eslintBrowserConfig: join(__dirname, "settings-eslint-browser.json"),
faviconpath: join(__dirname, "public/images/favicon.png"),
githubSiteRoot: "",
gitpath: "M:/g",
ignoreCodeAnalysisByDefault: true,
isCodeAnalysisUnsupported: false,
nugetApiKey: "NUGET-API-KEY",
nugetHost: "",
port: 3000,
// port: process.env["PORT"],
releasepath: "M:/r",
siteRoot: "",
skipCodeSigning: true,
smtp: {
auth: {
pass: "password",
user: "username",
host: "",
receiver: "receiver@your.domain",
sender: "sender@your.domain",
staticcontentpath: join(__dirname, "public"),
tmpcodepath: "M:/c",
viewspath: join(__dirname, "views"),