time in tray, screenshots, clipboard, emoji keyboard

Inga 🏳‍🌈 2 years ago
parent 3918f66bbb
commit 4fb03243b1
  1. 25
  2. 6

@ -101,6 +101,11 @@ and add startup section at the end of river init file (`~/.config/river/init`):
riverctl spawn "waybar"
For time to work,
doas apk add tzdata
### HiDPI
@ -165,9 +170,25 @@ and replace `river` with `inga-river` in `/etc/greetd/environments`.
riverctl map normal Super R spawn 'pidof bemenu-run || bemenu-run -i -n'
## Other software
### Screenshots
`doas apk add wayshot`, then add this line to river config:
riverctl map normal None Print spawn 'wayshot --stdout | wl-copy'
### Clipboard?
### Clipboard
Works by default, use Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V in foot
### Emoji keyboard
`doas apk add rofi-emoji rofi-emoji-wayland wtype` and add this line to your river config
riverctl map normal Super period spawn 'rofi -modi emoji -show emoji'
## Other software
### Firefox

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ riverctl map normal Super+Shift J swap next
riverctl map normal Super+Shift K swap previous
# Super+Period and Super+Comma to focus the next/previous output
riverctl map normal Super Period focus-output next
riverctl map normal Super Comma focus-output previous
#riverctl map normal Super Period focus-output next
#riverctl map normal Super Comma focus-output previous
# Super+Shift+{Period,Comma} to send the focused view to the next/previous output
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Period send-to-output next
@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ riverctl map normal Super F11 enter-mode passthrough
riverctl map passthrough Super F11 enter-mode normal
riverctl map normal Super R spawn 'pidof bemenu-run || bemenu-run -i -n'
riverctl map normal Super period spawn 'rofi -modi emoji -show emoji'
riverctl map normal None Print spawn 'wayshot --stdout | wl-copy'
# Various media key mapping examples for both normal and locked mode which do
# not have a modifier
