You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Finds all subsets of vectors within a given set (ordered by norm) which add up to a required vector
// Within a subset, order of vectors is consistent with the original order in a set
use crate::dictionary_builder;
use crate::vector_alphabet;
fn find_anagrams_recursive(remainder: &vector_alphabet::Vector, remaining_depth: usize, word_vectors: &[vector_alphabet::Vector], offset: usize) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
if remaining_depth == 0 {
if remainder.norm == 0 {
return vec![vec![]];
return vec![];
.take_while(|(_, vector)| vector.norm * remaining_depth >= remainder.norm)
.map(|(index, vector)| match remainder.safe_substract(&vector) {
Some(new_remainder) => find_anagrams_recursive(&new_remainder, remaining_depth-1, word_vectors, index)
.map(|mut partial_phrase| {
_ => vec![],
pub fn find_anagrams(dictionary: &dictionary_builder::Dictionary, number_of_words: usize) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
find_anagrams_recursive(&dictionary.phrase_vector, number_of_words, &dictionary.vectors, 0)