You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
2.3 KiB

use packed_simd::u8x32;
use crate::anagram_logger;
use crate::dictionary_builder::Dictionary;
use crate::hash_computer::CHUNK_SIZE;
use crate::hash_computer::find_hashes;
use crate::permutations_cache::PermutationsCache;
fn generate_vector_substitutions<'a>(simple_dictionary: &'a Dictionary, permutation: &'a [usize], current_phrase: u8x32, current_phrase_length: usize) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u8x32> + 'a> {
if permutation.len() == 0 {
return Box::new(std::iter::once(current_phrase.clone()));
let result = simple_dictionary.words[permutation[0]].iter()
.flat_map(move |word_info| {
generate_vector_substitutions(&simple_dictionary, &permutation[1..], current_phrase ^ word_info.get_simd_word_for_offset(current_phrase_length), current_phrase_length + word_info.length + 1).into_iter()
return Box::new(result);
fn process_anagram_chunk(chunk: &[u8x32; CHUNK_SIZE], phrase_length: usize, hashes_to_find: &[u32]) -> () {
match find_hashes(chunk, phrase_length, hashes_to_find) {
Some(anagrams) => {
for anagram in anagrams {
anagram_logger::log_anagram_with_hash(anagram, phrase_length);
_ => ()
pub fn analyze_anagrams(anagram_vector: &Vec<usize>, dictionary: &Dictionary, permutations: &PermutationsCache, phrase_length: usize, hashes_to_find: &[u32]) -> () {
let mut chunk: [u8x32; CHUNK_SIZE] = [u8x32::splat(0); CHUNK_SIZE];
let mut chunk_position: usize = 0;
//let mut total: usize = 0;
.flat_map(|permuted_vector| {
generate_vector_substitutions(&dictionary, &permuted_vector, u8x32::splat(0), 0)
.for_each(|anagram| {
//anagram_logger::log_anagram(anagram, phrase_length);
chunk[chunk_position] = anagram;
chunk_position = (chunk_position + 1) % CHUNK_SIZE;
//total = total + 1;
if chunk_position == 0 {
process_anagram_chunk(&chunk, phrase_length, hashes_to_find);
if chunk_position != 0 {
process_anagram_chunk(&chunk, phrase_length, hashes_to_find);
//println!("{} {}", anagram_logger::get_anagram_vector_view(anagram_vector, dictionary), total);