
Inga 🏳‍🌈 7 years ago
parent ccf6f216c3
commit 7296d71187
  1. 5
  2. 30

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
public StringsProcessor(byte[] sourceString, int maxWordsCount, IEnumerable<byte[]> words)
var filteredSource = sourceString.Where(ch => ch != 32).ToArray();
this.NumberOfCharacters = filteredSource.Length;
this.VectorsConverter = new VectorsConverter(filteredSource);
// Dictionary of vectors to array of words represented by this vector
@ -35,6 +36,8 @@
private VectorsProcessor VectorsProcessor { get; }
private int NumberOfCharacters { get; }
public ParallelQuery<byte[]> GeneratePhrases()
// task of finding anagrams could be reduced to the task of finding sequences of dictionary vectors with the target sum
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@
private byte[] WordsToPhrase(byte[][] words)
var result = new byte[words.Length + words.Sum(word => word.Length) - 1];
var result = new byte[this.NumberOfCharacters + words.Length - 1];
Buffer.BlockCopy(words[0], 0, result, 0, words[0].Length);
var position = words[0].Length;

@ -58,11 +58,10 @@
// Produces all sequences of vectors with the target sum
public ParallelQuery<Vector<byte>[]> GenerateSequences()
var unorderedSequences = this.GenerateUnorderedSequences(this.Target, ImmutableStack.Create<Vector<byte>>(), this.Dictionary)
var allSequences = unorderedSequences.SelectMany(this.GeneratePermutations);
return allSequences;
return this.GenerateUnorderedSequences(this.Target, this.MaxVectorsCount, this.Dictionary)
// We want words with more letters (and among these, words with more "rare" letters) to appear first, to reduce the searching time somewhat.
@ -94,12 +93,12 @@
private void DebugState(ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>> partialSumStack, Vector<byte> currentVector)
private void DebugState(int allowedRemainingWords, Vector<byte> currentVector)
if (this.Iterations % 1000000 == 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Iteration #{this.Iterations}: {string.Join(" ", partialSumStack.Push(currentVector).Reverse().Select(vector => this.VectorToString(vector)))}");
Console.WriteLine($"Iteration #{this.Iterations}: {allowedRemainingWords}, {this.VectorToString(currentVector)}");
@ -107,12 +106,11 @@
// In every sequence, next vector always goes after the previous one from dictionary.
// E.g. if dictionary is [x, y, z], then only [x, y] sequence could be generated, and [y, x] will never be generated.
// That way, the complexity of search goes down by a factor of MaxVectorsCount! (as if [x, y] does not add up to a required target, there is no point in checking [y, x])
private IEnumerable<Vector<byte>[]> GenerateUnorderedSequences(Vector<byte> remainder, ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>> partialSumStack, ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>> dictionaryStack)
private IEnumerable<ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>>> GenerateUnorderedSequences(Vector<byte> remainder, int allowedRemainingWords, ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>> dictionaryStack)
var allowedRemainingWords = this.MaxVectorsCount - partialSumStack.Count();
if (allowedRemainingWords > 1)
var newAllowedRemainingWords = allowedRemainingWords - 1;
// e.g. if remainder norm is 7, 8 or 9, and allowedRemainingWords is 3,
// we need the largest remaining word to have a norm of at least 3
@ -126,11 +124,11 @@
Vector<byte> currentVector;
var nextDictionaryTail = dictionaryTail.Pop(out currentVector);
this.DebugState(partialSumStack, currentVector);
this.DebugState(allowedRemainingWords, currentVector);
if (currentVector == remainder)
yield return partialSumStack.Push(currentVector).Reverse().ToArray();
yield return ImmutableStack.Create(currentVector);
else if (Vector.Dot(currentVector, this.TargetComplement) < requiredRemainder)
@ -141,9 +139,9 @@
else if (Vector.LessThanOrEqualAll(currentVector, remainder))
var newRemainder = remainder - currentVector;
foreach (var result in this.GenerateUnorderedSequences(newRemainder, partialSumStack.Push(currentVector), dictionaryTail))
foreach (var result in this.GenerateUnorderedSequences(newRemainder, newAllowedRemainingWords, dictionaryTail))
yield return result;
yield return result.Push(currentVector);
@ -158,12 +156,12 @@
Vector<byte> currentVector;
dictionaryTail = dictionaryTail.Pop(out currentVector);
this.DebugState(partialSumStack, currentVector);
this.DebugState(allowedRemainingWords, currentVector);
var newRemainder = remainder - currentVector;
if (newRemainder == Vector<byte>.Zero)
yield return partialSumStack.Push(currentVector).Reverse().ToArray();
yield return ImmutableStack.Create(currentVector);
