You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

122 lines
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7 years ago
namespace WhiteRabbit
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
internal class VectorsProcessor
public VectorsProcessor(Vector<byte> target, int maxVectorsCount, Func<Vector<byte>, string> vectorToString)
this.Target = target;
this.MaxVectorsCount = maxVectorsCount;
this.VectorToString = vectorToString;
/// <summary>
/// Negative sign bit.
/// (byte)b &amp; (byte)128 equals zero for non-negative (0..127) bytes and equals (byte)128 for negative (128..255) bytes.
/// Similarly, vector &amp; Negative equals zero if all bytes are non-negative, and does not equal zero if some bytes are negative.
/// Use <code>(vector &amp; Negative) == Vector&lt;byte&gt;.Zero</code> to determine if all components are non-negative.
/// </summary>
private static Vector<byte> Negative { get; } = new Vector<byte>(Enumerable.Repeat((byte)128, 16).ToArray());
private Vector<byte> Target { get; }
private int MaxVectorsCount { get; }
private Func<Vector<byte>, string> VectorToString { get; }
private long Iterations { get; set; } = 0;
public IEnumerable<Vector<byte>[]> GenerateSums(IEnumerable<Vector<byte>> vectors)
var filteredVectors = FilterVectors(vectors);
var dictionary = ImmutableStack.Create(filteredVectors.ToArray());
var orderedSums = GenerateOrderedSums(this.Target, ImmutableStack.Create<Vector<byte>>(), dictionary);
var allSums = orderedSums.SelectMany(GeneratePermutations);
return allSums;
private IEnumerable<Vector<byte>> FilterVectors(IEnumerable<Vector<byte>> vectors)
return vectors
.Where(vector => ((this.Target - vector) & Negative) == Vector<byte>.Zero)
//.OrderByDescending(vector => this.GetWeight(vector)) //so that letters that are more rare will come first
private void DebugState(ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>> partialSumStack, Vector<byte> currentVector)
if (this.Iterations % 1000000 == 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Iteration #{this.Iterations}: {string.Join(" ", partialSumStack.Push(currentVector).Reverse().Select(vector => this.VectorToString(vector)))}");
// This method takes most of the time, so everything related to it must be optimized
private IEnumerable<Vector<byte>[]> GenerateOrderedSums(Vector<byte> remainder, ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>> partialSumStack, ImmutableStack<Vector<byte>> dictionaryStack)
var count = partialSumStack.Count() + 1;
if (count < this.MaxVectorsCount)
var dictionaryTail = dictionaryStack;
while (!dictionaryTail.IsEmpty)
Vector<byte> currentVector;
var nextDictionaryTail = dictionaryTail.Pop(out currentVector);
DebugState(partialSumStack, currentVector);
var newRemainder = remainder - currentVector;
if (newRemainder == Vector<byte>.Zero)
yield return partialSumStack.Push(currentVector).Reverse().ToArray();
else if ((newRemainder & Negative) == Vector<byte>.Zero)
foreach (var result in GenerateOrderedSums(newRemainder, partialSumStack.Push(currentVector), dictionaryTail))
yield return result;
dictionaryTail = nextDictionaryTail;
else if (count == this.MaxVectorsCount)
var dictionaryTail = dictionaryStack;
while (!dictionaryTail.IsEmpty)
Vector<byte> currentVector;
dictionaryTail = dictionaryTail.Pop(out currentVector);
DebugState(partialSumStack, currentVector);
var newRemainder = remainder - currentVector;
if (newRemainder == Vector<byte>.Zero)
yield return partialSumStack.Push(currentVector).Reverse().ToArray();
private IEnumerable<T[]> GeneratePermutations<T>(T[] original)
foreach (var permutation in PermutationsGenerator.HamiltonianPermutations(original.Length))
yield return permutation.Select(i => original[i]).ToArray();