// We want words with more letters (and among these, words with more "rare" letters) to appear first, to reduce the searching time somewhat.
// Applying such a sort, we reduce the total number of triplets to check for anagrams from ~62M to ~29M.
// Total number of quadruplets is reduced from 1468M to mere 311M.
// Also, it produces the intended results faster (as these are more likely to contain longer words - e.g. "poultry outwits ants" is more likely than "p o u l t r y o u t w i t s a n t s").
// This method basically gives us the 1-norm of the vector in the space rescaled so that the target is [1, 1, ..., 1].
weight+=(720*vector[i])/this.Target[i];// 720 = 6!, so that the result will be a whole number (unless Target[i] > 6)
// This method takes most of the time, so everything related to it must be optimized.
// In every sequence, next vector always goes after the previous one from dictionary.
// E.g. if dictionary is [x, y, z], then only [x, y] sequence could be generated, and [y, x] will never be generated.
// That way, the complexity of search goes down by a factor of MaxVectorsCount! (as if [x, y] does not add up to a required target, there is no point in checking [y, x])