namespace RadeonResetBugFixService.ThirdParty.DisableDevice { // Code taken from // Code for obtaining device status is mine using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.ComponentModel; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; using System.Security; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; [Flags()] internal enum SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags { Default = 1, Present = 2, AllClasses = 4, Profile = 8, DeviceInterface = (int)0x10 } internal enum DiFunction { SelectDevice = 1, InstallDevice = 2, AssignResources = 3, Properties = 4, Remove = 5, FirstTimeSetup = 6, FoundDevice = 7, SelectClassDrivers = 8, ValidateClassDrivers = 9, InstallClassDrivers = (int)0xa, CalcDiskSpace = (int)0xb, DestroyPrivateData = (int)0xc, ValidateDriver = (int)0xd, Detect = (int)0xf, InstallWizard = (int)0x10, DestroyWizardData = (int)0x11, PropertyChange = (int)0x12, EnableClass = (int)0x13, DetectVerify = (int)0x14, InstallDeviceFiles = (int)0x15, UnRemove = (int)0x16, SelectBestCompatDrv = (int)0x17, AllowInstall = (int)0x18, RegisterDevice = (int)0x19, NewDeviceWizardPreSelect = (int)0x1a, NewDeviceWizardSelect = (int)0x1b, NewDeviceWizardPreAnalyze = (int)0x1c, NewDeviceWizardPostAnalyze = (int)0x1d, NewDeviceWizardFinishInstall = (int)0x1e, Unused1 = (int)0x1f, InstallInterfaces = (int)0x20, DetectCancel = (int)0x21, RegisterCoInstallers = (int)0x22, AddPropertyPageAdvanced = (int)0x23, AddPropertyPageBasic = (int)0x24, Reserved1 = (int)0x25, Troubleshooter = (int)0x26, PowerMessageWake = (int)0x27, AddRemotePropertyPageAdvanced = (int)0x28, UpdateDriverUI = (int)0x29, Reserved2 = (int)0x30 } internal enum StateChangeAction { Enable = 1, Disable = 2, PropChange = 3, Start = 4, Stop = 5 } [Flags()] internal enum Scopes { Global = 1, ConfigSpecific = 2, ConfigGeneral = 4 } internal enum SetupApiError { NoAssociatedClass = unchecked((int)0xe0000200), ClassMismatch = unchecked((int)0xe0000201), DuplicateFound = unchecked((int)0xe0000202), NoDriverSelected = unchecked((int)0xe0000203), KeyDoesNotExist = unchecked((int)0xe0000204), InvalidDevinstName = unchecked((int)0xe0000205), InvalidClass = unchecked((int)0xe0000206), DevinstAlreadyExists = unchecked((int)0xe0000207), DevinfoNotRegistered = unchecked((int)0xe0000208), InvalidRegProperty = unchecked((int)0xe0000209), NoInf = unchecked((int)0xe000020a), NoSuchHDevinst = unchecked((int)0xe000020b), CantLoadClassIcon = unchecked((int)0xe000020c), InvalidClassInstaller = unchecked((int)0xe000020d), DiDoDefault = unchecked((int)0xe000020e), DiNoFileCopy = unchecked((int)0xe000020f), InvalidHwProfile = unchecked((int)0xe0000210), NoDeviceSelected = unchecked((int)0xe0000211), DevinfolistLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000212), DevinfodataLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000213), DiBadPath = unchecked((int)0xe0000214), NoClassInstallParams = unchecked((int)0xe0000215), FileQueueLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000216), BadServiceInstallSect = unchecked((int)0xe0000217), NoClassDriverList = unchecked((int)0xe0000218), NoAssociatedService = unchecked((int)0xe0000219), NoDefaultDeviceInterface = unchecked((int)0xe000021a), DeviceInterfaceActive = unchecked((int)0xe000021b), DeviceInterfaceRemoved = unchecked((int)0xe000021c), BadInterfaceInstallSect = unchecked((int)0xe000021d), NoSuchInterfaceClass = unchecked((int)0xe000021e), InvalidReferenceString = unchecked((int)0xe000021f), InvalidMachineName = unchecked((int)0xe0000220), RemoteCommFailure = unchecked((int)0xe0000221), MachineUnavailable = unchecked((int)0xe0000222), NoConfigMgrServices = unchecked((int)0xe0000223), InvalidPropPageProvider = unchecked((int)0xe0000224), NoSuchDeviceInterface = unchecked((int)0xe0000225), DiPostProcessingRequired = unchecked((int)0xe0000226), InvalidCOInstaller = unchecked((int)0xe0000227), NoCompatDrivers = unchecked((int)0xe0000228), NoDeviceIcon = unchecked((int)0xe0000229), InvalidInfLogConfig = unchecked((int)0xe000022a), DiDontInstall = unchecked((int)0xe000022b), InvalidFilterDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022c), NonWindowsNTDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022d), NonWindowsDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022e), NoCatalogForOemInf = unchecked((int)0xe000022f), DevInstallQueueNonNative = unchecked((int)0xe0000230), NotDisableable = unchecked((int)0xe0000231), CantRemoveDevinst = unchecked((int)0xe0000232), InvalidTarget = unchecked((int)0xe0000233), DriverNonNative = unchecked((int)0xe0000234), InWow64 = unchecked((int)0xe0000235), SetSystemRestorePoint = unchecked((int)0xe0000236), IncorrectlyCopiedInf = unchecked((int)0xe0000237), SceDisabled = unchecked((int)0xe0000238), UnknownException = unchecked((int)0xe0000239), PnpRegistryError = unchecked((int)0xe000023a), RemoteRequestUnsupported = unchecked((int)0xe000023b), NotAnInstalledOemInf = unchecked((int)0xe000023c), InfInUseByDevices = unchecked((int)0xe000023d), DiFunctionObsolete = unchecked((int)0xe000023e), NoAuthenticodeCatalog = unchecked((int)0xe000023f), AuthenticodeDisallowed = unchecked((int)0xe0000240), AuthenticodeTrustedPublisher = unchecked((int)0xe0000241), AuthenticodeTrustNotEstablished = unchecked((int)0xe0000242), AuthenticodePublisherNotTrusted = unchecked((int)0xe0000243), SignatureOSAttributeMismatch = unchecked((int)0xe0000244), OnlyValidateViaAuthenticode = unchecked((int)0xe0000245) } // CR_ return values from Cfgmgr32.h internal enum CmReturnCode : int { CR_SUCCESS = 0x00000000, CR_DEFAULT = 0x00000001, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x00000002, CR_INVALID_POINTER = 0x00000003, CR_INVALID_FLAG = 0x00000004, CR_INVALID_DEVNODE = 0x00000005, CR_INVALID_RES_DES = 0x00000006, CR_INVALID_LOG_CONF = 0x00000007, CR_INVALID_ARBITRATOR = 0x00000008, CR_INVALID_NODELIST = 0x00000009, CR_DEVNODE_HAS_REQS = 0x0000000A, CR_INVALID_RESOURCEID = 0x0000000B, CR_DLVXD_NOT_FOUND = 0x0000000C, CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE = 0x0000000D, CR_NO_MORE_LOG_CONF = 0x0000000E, CR_NO_MORE_RES_DES = 0x0000000F, CR_ALREADY_SUCH_DEVNODE = 0x00000010, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST = 0x00000011, CR_INVALID_RANGE = 0x00000012, CR_FAILURE = 0x00000013, CR_NO_SUCH_LOGICAL_DEV = 0x00000014, CR_CREATE_BLOCKED = 0x00000015, CR_NOT_SYSTEM_VM = 0x00000016, CR_REMOVE_VETOED = 0x00000017, CR_APM_VETOED = 0x00000018, CR_INVALID_LOAD_TYPE = 0x00000019, CR_BUFFER_SMALL = 0x0000001A, CR_NO_ARBITRATOR = 0x0000001B, CR_NO_REGISTRY_HANDLE = 0x0000001C, CR_REGISTRY_ERROR = 0x0000001D, CR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = 0x0000001E, CR_INVALID_DATA = 0x0000001F, CR_INVALID_API = 0x00000020, CR_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY = 0x00000021, CR_NEED_RESTART = 0x00000022, CR_NO_MORE_HW_PROFILES = 0x00000023, CR_DEVICE_NOT_THERE = 0x00000024, CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE = 0x00000025, CR_WRONG_TYPE = 0x00000026, CR_INVALID_PRIORITY = 0x00000027, CR_NOT_DISABLEABLE = 0x00000028, CR_FREE_RESOURCES = 0x00000029, CR_QUERY_VETOED = 0x0000002A, CR_CANT_SHARE_IRQ = 0x0000002B, CR_NO_DEPENDENT = 0x0000002C, CR_SAME_RESOURCES = 0x0000002D, CR_NO_SUCH_REGISTRY_KEY = 0x0000002E, CR_INVALID_MACHINENAME = 0x0000002F, CR_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE = 0x00000030, CR_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE = 0x00000031, CR_NO_CM_SERVICES = 0x00000032, CR_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x00000033, CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0x00000034, CR_INVALID_PROPERTY = 0x00000035, CR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE = 0x00000036, CR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE = 0x00000037, CR_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING = 0x00000038, CR_INVALID_CONFLICT_LIST = 0x00000039, CR_INVALID_INDEX = 0x0000003A, CR_INVALID_STRUCTURE_SIZE = 0x0000003B, } // DN_ flags from Cfg.h [Flags] internal enum CmStatus : ulong { DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED = 0x00000001, /* Was enumerated by ROOT */ DN_DRIVER_LOADED = 0x00000002, /* Has Register_Device_Driver */ DN_ENUM_LOADED = 0x00000004, /* Has Register_Enumerator */ DN_STARTED = 0x00000008, /* Is currently configured */ DN_MANUAL = 0x00000010, /* Manually installed */ DN_NEED_TO_ENUM = 0x00000020, /* May need reenumeration */ DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME = 0x00000040, /* Has received a config */ DN_HARDWARE_ENUM = 0x00000080, /* Enum generates hardware ID */ DN_LIAR = 0x00000100, /* Lied about can reconfig once */ DN_HAS_MARK = 0x00000200, /* Not CM_Create_DevNode lately */ DN_HAS_PROBLEM = 0x00000400, /* Need device installer */ DN_FILTERED = 0x00000800, /* Is filtered */ DN_MOVED = 0x00001000, /* Has been moved */ DN_DISABLEABLE = 0x00002000, /* Can be rebalanced */ DN_REMOVABLE = 0x00004000, /* Can be removed */ DN_PRIVATE_PROBLEM = 0x00008000, /* Has a private problem */ DN_MF_PARENT = 0x00010000, /* Multi function parent */ DN_MF_CHILD = 0x00020000, /* Multi function child */ DN_WILL_BE_REMOVED = 0x00040000, /* Devnode is being removed */ } // CM_PROB_ problem values defined in Cfg.h internal enum CmProblem : ulong { CM_PROB_NOT_CONFIGURED = 0x00000001, CM_PROB_DEVLOADER_FAILED = 0x00000002, CM_PROB_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x00000003, CM_PROB_ENTRY_IS_WRONG_TYPE = 0x00000004, CM_PROB_LACKED_ARBITRATOR = 0x00000005, CM_PROB_BOOT_CONFIG_CONFLICT = 0x00000006, CM_PROB_FAILED_FILTER = 0x00000007, CM_PROB_DEVLOADER_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000008, CM_PROB_INVALID_DATA = 0x00000009, CM_PROB_FAILED_START = 0x0000000A, CM_PROB_LIAR = 0x0000000B, CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT = 0x0000000C, CM_PROB_NOT_VERIFIED = 0x0000000D, CM_PROB_NEED_RESTART = 0x0000000E, CM_PROB_REENUMERATION = 0x0000000F, CM_PROB_PARTIAL_LOG_CONF = 0x00000010, CM_PROB_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE = 0x00000011, CM_PROB_REINSTALL = 0x00000012, CM_PROB_REGISTRY = 0x00000013, CM_PROB_VXDLDR = 0x00000014, CM_PROB_WILL_BE_REMOVED = 0x00000015, CM_PROB_DISABLED = 0x00000016, CM_PROB_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY = 0x00000017, CM_PROB_DEVICE_NOT_THERE = 0x00000018, CM_PROB_MOVED = 0x00000019, CM_PROB_TOO_EARLY = 0x0000001A, CM_PROB_NO_VALID_LOG_CONF = 0x0000001B, CM_PROB_FAILED_INSTALL = 0x0000001C, CM_PROB_HARDWARE_DISABLED = 0x0000001D, CM_PROB_CANT_SHARE_IRQ = 0x0000001E, CM_PROB_FAILED_ADD = 0x0000001F, CM_PROB_DISABLED_SERVICE = 0x00000020, CM_PROB_TRANSLATION_FAILED = 0x00000021, CM_PROB_NO_SOFTCONFIG = 0x00000022, CM_PROB_BIOS_TABLE = 0x00000023, CM_PROB_IRQ_TRANSLATION_FAILED = 0x00000024, CM_PROB_FAILED_DRIVER_ENTRY = 0x00000025, CM_PROB_DRIVER_FAILED_PRIOR_UNLOAD = 0x00000026, CM_PROB_DRIVER_FAILED_LOAD = 0x00000027, CM_PROB_DRIVER_SERVICE_KEY_INVALID = 0x00000028, CM_PROB_LEGACY_SERVICE_NO_DEVICES = 0x00000029, CM_PROB_DUPLICATE_DEVICE = 0x0000002A, CM_PROB_FAILED_POST_START = 0x0000002B, CM_PROB_HALTED = 0x0000002C, CM_PROB_PHANTOM = 0x0000002D, CM_PROB_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN = 0x0000002E, CM_PROB_HELD_FOR_EJECT = 0x0000002F, CM_PROB_DRIVER_BLOCKED = 0x00000030, CM_PROB_REGISTRY_TOO_LARGE = 0x00000031, } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct DeviceInfoData { public int Size; public Guid ClassGuid; public int DevInst; public IntPtr Reserved; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct PropertyChangeParameters { public int Size; // part of header. It's flattened out into 1 structure. public DiFunction DiFunction; public StateChangeAction StateChange; public Scopes Scope; public int HwProfile; } internal class NativeMethods { private const string setupapi = "setupapi.dll"; private const string cfgmgr32 = "cfgmgr32.dll"; private NativeMethods() { } [DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DiFunction installFunction, SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, [In()] ref DeviceInfoData deviceInfoData); [DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, int memberIndex, ref DeviceInfoData deviceInfoData); [DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] public static extern SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle SetupDiGetClassDevs([In()] ref Guid classGuid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string enumerator, IntPtr hwndParent, SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags flags); /* [DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, [In()] ref DeviceInfoData did, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder deviceInstanceId, int deviceInstanceIdSize, [Out()] ref int requiredSize); */ [DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId( IntPtr DeviceInfoSet, ref DeviceInfoData did, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder DeviceInstanceId, int DeviceInstanceIdSize, out int RequiredSize ); [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity()] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] [DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(IntPtr deviceInfoSet); [DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, [In()] ref DeviceInfoData deviceInfoData, [In()] ref PropertyChangeParameters classInstallParams, int classInstallParamsSize); [DllImport(cfgmgr32, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public static extern CmReturnCode CM_Get_DevNode_Status(ref CmStatus pulStatus, ref CmProblem pulProblemNumber, int dnDevInst, ulong ulFlags); } internal class SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid { public SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle() : base(true) { } protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { return NativeMethods.SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(this.handle); } } public sealed class DeviceHelper { private DeviceHelper() { } /// /// Enable or disable a device. /// /// The class guid of the device. Available in the device manager. /// The device instance id of the device. Available in the device manager. /// True to enable, False to disable. /// Will throw an exception if the device is not Disableable. public static void SetDeviceEnabled(Guid classGuid, string instanceId, bool enable) { SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle diSetHandle = null; try { // Get the handle to a device information set for all devices matching classGuid that are present on the // system. diSetHandle = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref classGuid, null, IntPtr.Zero, SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags.Present); // Get the device information data for each matching device. DeviceInfoData[] diData = GetDeviceInfoData(diSetHandle); // Find the index of our instance. i.e. the touchpad mouse - I have 3 mice attached... int index = GetIndexOfInstance(diSetHandle, diData, instanceId); // Disable... EnableDevice(diSetHandle, diData[index], enable); } finally { if (diSetHandle != null) { if (diSetHandle.IsClosed == false) { diSetHandle.Close(); } diSetHandle.Dispose(); } } } /// /// Returns true if device is disabled /// /// The class guid of the device. Available in the device manager. /// The device instance id of the device. Available in the device manager. public static bool? IsDeviceDisabled(Guid classGuid, string instanceId) { SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle diSetHandle = null; try { // Get the handle to a device information set for all devices matching classGuid that are present on the // system. diSetHandle = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref classGuid, null, IntPtr.Zero, SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags.Present); // Get the device information data for each matching device. DeviceInfoData[] diData = GetDeviceInfoData(diSetHandle); // Find the index of our instance. i.e. the touchpad mouse - I have 3 mice attached... int index = GetIndexOfInstance(diSetHandle, diData, instanceId); if (index == -1) { return null; } // Get status... var status = default(CmStatus); var problem = default(CmProblem); var result = NativeMethods.CM_Get_DevNode_Status(ref status, ref problem, diData[index].DevInst, 0); if (result != CmReturnCode.CR_SUCCESS) { throw new Win32Exception($"Cfgmgr32 error: {result}"); } return problem == CmProblem.CM_PROB_DISABLED; } finally { if (diSetHandle != null) { if (diSetHandle.IsClosed == false) { diSetHandle.Close(); } diSetHandle.Dispose(); } } } private static DeviceInfoData[] GetDeviceInfoData(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle handle) { List data = new List(); DeviceInfoData did = new DeviceInfoData(); int didSize = Marshal.SizeOf(did); did.Size = didSize; int index = 0; while (NativeMethods.SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(handle, index, ref did)) { data.Add(did); index += 1; did = new DeviceInfoData(); did.Size = didSize; } return data.ToArray(); } // Find the index of the particular DeviceInfoData for the instanceId. private static int GetIndexOfInstance(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle handle, DeviceInfoData[] diData, string instanceId) { const int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 122; for (int index = 0; index <= diData.Length - 1; index++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1); int requiredSize = 0; bool result = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), ref diData[index], sb, sb.Capacity, out requiredSize); if (result == false && Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { sb.Capacity = requiredSize; result = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), ref diData[index], sb, sb.Capacity, out requiredSize); } if (result == false) throw new Win32Exception(); if (instanceId.Equals(sb.ToString())) { return index; } } // not found return -1; } // enable/disable... private static void EnableDevice(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle handle, DeviceInfoData diData, bool enable) { PropertyChangeParameters @params = new PropertyChangeParameters(); // The size is just the size of the header, but we've flattened the structure. // The header comprises the first two fields, both integer. @params.Size = 8; @params.DiFunction = DiFunction.PropertyChange; @params.Scope = Scopes.Global; if (enable) { @params.StateChange = StateChangeAction.Enable; } else { @params.StateChange = StateChangeAction.Disable; } bool result = NativeMethods.SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(handle, ref diData, ref @params, Marshal.SizeOf(@params)); if (result == false) throw new Win32Exception(); result = NativeMethods.SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DiFunction.PropertyChange, handle, ref diData); if (result == false) { int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (err == (int)SetupApiError.NotDisableable) throw new ArgumentException("Device can't be disabled (programmatically or in Device Manager)."); else if (err >= (int)SetupApiError.NoAssociatedClass && err <= (int)SetupApiError.OnlyValidateViaAuthenticode) throw new Win32Exception("SetupAPI error: " + ((SetupApiError)err).ToString()); else throw new Win32Exception(); } } } }