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60 lines
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use std::{io::{self, BufRead}};
const MODULO: u128 = 43_200_000_000_000;
const HOUR: u128 = 3_600_000_000_000;
const MINUTE: u128 = 60_000_000_000;
const SECOND: u128 = 1_000_000_000;
const REVERSE_11: u128 = 15709090909091;
const REVERSE_59: u128 = 41735593220339;
const REVERSE_719: u128 = 29621140472879;
fn solve_for_permutation(hc: u128, mc: u128, sc: u128) -> Option<u128> {
//println!("{} {} {}", hc, mc, sc);
let c1 = ((12*hc + (MODULO - mc))*REVERSE_11) % MODULO;
let c2 = ((60*mc + (MODULO - sc))*REVERSE_59) % MODULO;
let c3 = ((720*hc + (MODULO - sc))*REVERSE_719) % MODULO;
//println!("{} {} {}", c1, c2, c3);
if c1 != c2 || c2 != c3 {
return None;
return Some((hc + (MODULO - c1)) % MODULO);
fn solve(a: u128, b: u128, c: u128) -> Option<(u128, u128, u128, u128)> {
let permutations = [(a, b, c), (a, c, b), (b, a, c), (b, c, a), (c, a, b), (c, b, a)];
for &(hc, mc, sc) in permutations.iter() {
match solve_for_permutation(hc, mc, sc) {
Some(timestamp) => {
let hours = timestamp / HOUR;
let hours_remainder = timestamp % HOUR;
let minutes = hours_remainder / MINUTE;
let minutes_remainder = hours_remainder % MINUTE;
let seconds = minutes_remainder / SECOND;
let nanoseconds = minutes_remainder % SECOND;
return Some((hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds));
_ => {},
return None;
fn main() {
let stdin = io::stdin();
let mut lines = stdin.lock().lines();
let test_number: u32 =;
for t in 1..=test_number {
let parts: Vec<u128> =|part| part.parse().unwrap()).collect();
let a = parts[0];
let b = parts[1];
let c = parts[2];
println!("Case #{}: {}", t, match solve(a, b, c) {
Some((h, m, s, ns)) => format!("{} {} {} {}", h, m, s, ns),
None => String::from("IMPOSSIBLE"),