An alternative to UBB.threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

167 lines
4.6 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using FLocal.Core;
using FLocal.Core.DB;
namespace FLocal.Common.dataobjects {
public class Post : SqlObject<Post> {
public class TableSpec : ISqlObjectTableSpec {
public const string TABLE = "Posts";
public const string FIELD_ID = "Id";
public const string FIELD_POSTERID = "PosterId";
public const string FIELD_POSTDATE = "PostDate";
public const string FIELD_LASTCHANGEDATE = "LastChangeDate";
public const string FIELD_REVISION = "Revision";
public const string FIELD_LAYER = "Layer";
public const string FIELD_TITLE = "Title";
public const string FIELD_BODY = "Body";
public const string FIELD_THREADID = "ThreadId";
public const string FIELD_PARENTPOSTID = "ParentPostId";
public static readonly TableSpec instance = new TableSpec();
public string name { get { return TABLE; } }
public string idName { get { return FIELD_ID; } }
public void refreshSqlObject(int id) { Refresh(id); }
protected override ISqlObjectTableSpec table { get { return TableSpec.instance; } }
private int _posterId;
public int posterId {
get {
return this._posterId;
public User poster {
get {
return User.LoadById(this.posterId);
private DateTime _postDate;
public DateTime postDate {
get {
return this._postDate;
private DateTime? _lastChangeDate;
public DateTime? lastChangeDate {
get {
return this._lastChangeDate;
private int _revision;
public int revision {
get {
return this._revision;
private int _layer;
public int layer {
get {
return this._layer;
private string _title;
public string title {
get {
return this._title;
private string _body;
public string body {
get {
return this._body;
public string bodyShort {
get {
return this.body.Replace("<br />", Util.EOL).Substring(0, Math.Min(1000, this.body.IndexOf("<")));
private int _threadId;
public int threadId {
get {
return this._threadId;
public Thread thread {
get {
return Thread.LoadById(this.threadId);
private int? _parentPostId;
public int? parentPostId {
get {
return this._parentPostId;
public Post parentPost {
get {
return Post.LoadById(this.parentPostId.Value);
protected override void doFromHash(Dictionary<string, string> data) {
this._posterId = int.Parse(data[TableSpec.FIELD_POSTERID]);
this._postDate = new DateTime(long.Parse(data[TableSpec.FIELD_POSTDATE]));
this._lastChangeDate = Util.ParseDateTimeFromTimestamp(data[TableSpec.FIELD_LASTCHANGEDATE]);
this._revision = int.Parse(data[TableSpec.FIELD_REVISION]);
this._layer = int.Parse(data[TableSpec.FIELD_LAYER]);
this._title = data[TableSpec.FIELD_TITLE];
this._body = data[TableSpec.FIELD_BODY];
this._threadId = int.Parse(data[TableSpec.FIELD_THREADID]);
this._parentPostId = Util.ParseInt(data[TableSpec.FIELD_PARENTPOSTID]);
public XElement exportToXmlSimpleWithParent(UserContext context) {
return new XElement("post",
new XElement("id",,
new XElement("name", this.title),
new XElement("parent", this.thread.exportToXmlSimpleWithParent(context))
public XElement exportToXmlWithoutThread(UserContext context, bool includeParentPost) {
XElement result = new XElement("post",
new XElement("id",,
new XElement("poster", this.poster.exportToXmlForViewing(context)),
new XElement("postDate", this.postDate.ToXml()),
new XElement("lastChangeDate", this.postDate.ToXml()),
new XElement("revision", this.revision),
new XElement("layer", this.layer),
new XElement("title", this.title),
new XElement("body", context.outputParams.preprocessBodyIntermediate(this.body)),
new XElement("bodyShort", this.bodyShort),
new XElement("threadId", this.threadId)
if(includeParentPost) {
if(this.parentPostId.HasValue) {
result.Add(new XElement("parentPost", this.parentPost.exportToXmlWithoutThread(context, false)));
return result;