An alternative to UBB.threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

231 lines
6.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using FLocal.Core;
using FLocal.Common;
using FLocal.Common.dataobjects;
using FLocal.Common.actions;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.IO;
namespace FLocal.IISHandler {
class WebContext : Common.UserContext {
private static readonly Encoding OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
public readonly HttpContext httpcontext;
public HttpRequest httprequest {
get {
return this.httpcontext.Request;
/*private object requestParts_Locker = new object();
private string[] requestParts_Data = null;
public string[] requestParts {
get {
if(this.requestParts_Data == null) {
lock(this.requestParts_Locker) {
if(this.requestParts_Data == null) {
this.requestParts_Data = this.httprequest.Path.Split("/", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return this.requestParts_Data;
public XElement exportRequestParameters() {
return new XElement("get",
from i in Enumerable.Range(0, this.httprequest.QueryString.Count)
where this.httprequest.QueryString.GetKey(i) != null
select new XElement("param",
new XAttribute("name", this.httprequest.QueryString.GetKey(i)),
public HttpResponse httpresponse {
get {
return this.httpcontext.Response;
public IUserSettings userSettings {
private set;
public override Common.IOutputParams outputParams {
get {
public readonly designs.IDesign design;
public override string formatDateTime(DateTime dateTime) {
return dateTime.ToString();
public override System.Xml.Linq.XElement formatTotalPosts(long posts) {
return PageOuter.create(this.userSettings.postsPerPage, posts).exportToXml(2, 0, 2);
public DateTime requestTime {
private set;
public Session session;
public override Account account {
get {
if(this.session == null) {
return null;
return this.session.account;
public override bool isPostVisible(Post post) {
return this.userSettings.isPostVisible(post);
private designs.IDesign detectDesign() {
switch(this.httprequest.Url.Port % 1000) {
case 445:
return new designs.Raw();
case 447:
return new designs.Lite();
case 449:
return new designs.Rss();
case 451:
return new designs.Classic();
case 443:
string[] parts = this.httprequest.Url.Host.Split('.');
switch(parts[0].ToLower()) {
case "raw":
return new designs.Raw();
case "lite":
return new designs.Lite();
case "rss":
return new designs.Rss();
case "classic":
return new designs.Classic();
case "modern":
return new designs.Modern();
public WebContext(HttpContext httpcontext) {
this.httpcontext = httpcontext;
this.requestTime = DateTime.Now; = this.detectDesign();
HttpCookie sessionCookie = this.httprequest.Cookies[Config.instance.CookiesPrefix + "_session"];
if(sessionCookie != null && sessionCookie.Value != null && sessionCookie.Value != "") {
try {
var session = Session.LoadByKey(sessionCookie.Value);
var tmp = session.account;
string lastUrl = null;
if(this.httprequest.RequestType == "GET") {
if( {
lastUrl = this.httprequest.Path;
HttpCookie newCookie = this.createCookie(Config.instance.CookiesPrefix + "_session");
newCookie.Value = session.sessionKey;
newCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3);
this.session = session;
} catch(NotFoundInDBException) {
sessionCookie.Value = "";
sessionCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
//throw; //TODO: remove me!
if(this.session != null) {
this.userSettings = AccountSettings.LoadByAccount(this.session.account);
} else {
this.userSettings = new AnonymousUserSettings();
public void WriteTransformResult(string templateName, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument data) {
this.httpresponse.ContentType =;
this.httpresponse.ContentEncoding = OutputEncoding;
TemplateEngine.WriteCompiled(, data, this.httpresponse.Output);
public XElement exportSession() {
if(this.session != null) {
return session.exportToXml(this);
} else {
return new XElement("session",
new XElement("notLoggedIn", true)
private void AddCommonData(HttpCookie cookie) {
cookie.HttpOnly = true;
cookie.Secure = true;
cookie.Domain = "." + String.Join(".", this.httprequest.Url.Host.Split(".", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Slice(1).ToArray());
cookie.Path = "/";
public HttpCookie createCookie(string name) {
HttpCookie result = new HttpCookie(name);
return result;
public Core.Network.IPv4Address remoteHost {
get {
return new Core.Network.IPv4Address(this.httprequest.UserHostAddress);
public void LogError(Exception e) {
string dir;
if(e is AccessDeniedException) {
dir = Common.Config.instance.dataDir + "Logs\\AccessDenied\\";
} else {
dir = Common.Config.instance.dataDir + "Logs\\";
using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(dir + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") + "." + e.GetGuid().ToString() + ".txt")) {
writer.WriteLine("Requested url: " + this.httprequest.Url.ToString());
foreach(string key in this.httprequest.Form.Keys) {
writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Form[{0}]: {1}", key, this.httprequest.Form[key]));
writer.WriteLine("Remote ip: " + this.httprequest.UserHostAddress);
if(this.httprequest.UrlReferrer != null) {
writer.WriteLine("Referer: " + this.httprequest.UrlReferrer.ToString());
if(this.httprequest.Cookies["session"] != null) {
writer.WriteLine("Session: " + this.httprequest.Cookies["session"].Value);
writer.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.GetType().FullName);
writer.WriteLine("Guid: " + e.GetGuid().ToString());
if(e is FLocalException) {
} else {