An alternative to UBB.threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
3.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FLocal.Core.DB;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using FLocal.Core;
namespace FLocal.IISHandler {
class PageOuter : Diapasone {
public readonly long perPage;
public readonly bool reversed;
public bool ascendingDirection {
get {
return !this.reversed;
public bool descendingDirection {
get {
return this.reversed;
private PageOuter(long start, long count, long perPage, bool reversed)
: base(start, count) {
this.perPage = perPage;
this.reversed = reversed;
private PageOuter(long perPage, bool reversed)
: base(0, -1) {
this.perPage = perPage;
this.reversed = reversed;
public static PageOuter createUnlimited(long perPage) {
return new PageOuter(perPage, false);
public static PageOuter create(long perPage, long total) {
PageOuter result = new PageOuter(0, perPage, perPage, false); = total;
return result;
public static PageOuter createFromUrl(FLocal.Common.URL.AbstractUrl url, long perPage, Dictionary<char, Func<string, long>> customAction) {
if(url.remainder.Contains("/")) throw new WrongUrlException();
string[] requestParts = url.remainder.Split(new[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
bool reversed = (requestParts.Length > 1) && (requestParts[1].ToLower() == "reversed");
if(requestParts.Length > 0) {
if(requestParts[0].ToLower() == "all") {
return new PageOuter(perPage, reversed);
} else if(Char.IsDigit(requestParts[0][0])) {
return new PageOuter(long.Parse(requestParts[0]), perPage, perPage, reversed);
} else {
return new PageOuter(customAction[requestParts[0][0]](requestParts[0].Substring(1)), perPage, perPage, reversed);
} else {
return new PageOuter(0, perPage, perPage, reversed);
public static PageOuter createFromUrl(FLocal.Common.URL.AbstractUrl url, long perPage) {
return createFromUrl(url, perPage, new Dictionary<char, Func<string, long>>());
public XElement exportToXml(int left, int current, int right) {
XElement result = new XElement("pageOuter",
new XElement("isReversed", this.reversed.ToPlainString()),
new XElement("unlimited", (this.count < 1).ToPlainString()),
new XElement("start", this.start),
new XElement("count", this.count),
new XElement("total",,
new XElement("perPage", this.perPage),
new XElement("isEmpty", (this.perPage >=
if(this.count > 0) {
if(this.start + this.count < {
result.Add(new XElement("next", this.start + this.count));
HashSet<long> pages = new HashSet<long>();
for(long i=0; i<left; i++) {
long last = - 1;
long totalFloor = last - (last % this.perPage);
for(long i=0; i<left; i++) {
pages.Add(totalFloor - i*this.perPage);
long startFloor = this.start - (this.start % this.perPage);
for(long i=current; i>-current; i--) {
pages.Add(startFloor + i*this.perPage);
result.Add(new XElement("pages",
from page in pages where (page >= 0) && (page < orderby page select new XElement("page", page)
return result;