An alternative to UBB.threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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8.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2004-2008 MySQL AB, 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
// the Free Software Foundation
// There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL
// as it is applied to this software. View the full text of the
// exception in file EXCEPTIONS in the directory of this software
// distribution.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using MySql.Data.Common;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
namespace MySql.Data.MySqlClient
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for CharSetMap.
/// </summary>
internal class CharSetMap
private static Dictionary<string, string> defaultCollations;
private static Dictionary<string, int> maxLengths;
private static Dictionary<string, CharacterSet> mapping;
private static object lockObject;
// we use a static constructor here since we only want to init
// the mapping once
static CharSetMap()
lockObject = new Object();
public static CharacterSet GetCharacterSet(DBVersion version, string CharSetName)
CharacterSet cs = (CharacterSet) mapping[CharSetName];
if (cs == null)
throw new MySqlException("Character set '" + CharSetName + "' is not supported");
return cs;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the text encoding for a given MySQL character set name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">Version of the connection requesting the encoding</param>
/// <param name="CharSetName">Name of the character set to get the encoding for</param>
/// <returns>Encoding object for the given character set name</returns>
public static Encoding GetEncoding(DBVersion version, string CharSetName)
CharacterSet cs = GetCharacterSet(version, CharSetName);
return Encoding.GetEncoding(;
catch (NotSupportedException)
return Encoding.GetEncoding(0);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
private static void InitializeMapping()
private static void LoadCharsetMap()
mapping = new Dictionary<string, CharacterSet>();
mapping.Add("latin1", new CharacterSet("latin1", 1));
mapping.Add("big5", new CharacterSet("big5", 2));
mapping.Add("dec8", mapping["latin1"]);
mapping.Add("cp850", new CharacterSet("ibm850", 1));
mapping.Add("hp8", mapping["latin1"]);
mapping.Add("koi8r", new CharacterSet("koi8-u", 1));
mapping.Add("latin2", new CharacterSet("latin2", 1));
mapping.Add("swe7", mapping["latin1"]);
mapping.Add("ujis", new CharacterSet("EUC-JP", 3));
mapping.Add("eucjpms", mapping["ujis"]);
mapping.Add("sjis", new CharacterSet("sjis", 2));
mapping.Add("cp932", mapping["sjis"]);
mapping.Add("hebrew", new CharacterSet("hebrew", 1));
mapping.Add("tis620", new CharacterSet("windows-874", 1));
mapping.Add("euckr", new CharacterSet("euc-kr", 2));
mapping.Add("euc_kr", mapping["euckr"]);
mapping.Add("koi8u", new CharacterSet("koi8-u", 1));
mapping.Add("koi8_ru", mapping["koi8u"]);
mapping.Add("gb2312", new CharacterSet("gb2312", 2));
mapping.Add("gbk", mapping["gb2312"]);
mapping.Add("greek", new CharacterSet("greek", 1));
mapping.Add("cp1250", new CharacterSet("windows-1250", 1));
mapping.Add("win1250", mapping["cp1250"]);
mapping.Add("latin5", new CharacterSet("latin5", 1));
mapping.Add("armscii8", mapping["latin1"]);
mapping.Add("utf8", new CharacterSet("utf-8", 3));
mapping.Add("ucs2", new CharacterSet("UTF-16BE", 2));
mapping.Add("cp866", new CharacterSet("cp866", 1));
mapping.Add("keybcs2", mapping["latin1"]);
mapping.Add("macce", new CharacterSet("x-mac-ce", 1));
mapping.Add("macroman", new CharacterSet("x-mac-romanian", 1));
mapping.Add("cp852", new CharacterSet("ibm852", 2));
mapping.Add("latin7", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-7", 1));
mapping.Add("cp1251", new CharacterSet("windows-1251", 1));
mapping.Add("win1251ukr", mapping["cp1251"]);
mapping.Add("cp1251csas", mapping["cp1251"]);
mapping.Add("cp1251cias", mapping["cp1251"]);
mapping.Add("win1251", mapping["cp1251"]);
mapping.Add("cp1256", new CharacterSet("cp1256", 1));
mapping.Add("cp1257", new CharacterSet("windows-1257", 1));
mapping.Add("ascii", new CharacterSet("us-ascii", 1));
mapping.Add("usa7", mapping["ascii"]);
mapping.Add("binary", mapping["ascii"]);
mapping.Add("latin3", new CharacterSet("latin3", 1));
mapping.Add("latin4", new CharacterSet("latin4", 1));
mapping.Add("latin1_de", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-1", 1));
mapping.Add("german1", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-1", 1));
mapping.Add("danish", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-1", 1));
mapping.Add("czech", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-2", 1));
mapping.Add("hungarian", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-2", 1));
mapping.Add("croat", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-2", 1));
mapping.Add("latvian", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-13", 1));
mapping.Add("latvian1", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-13", 1));
mapping.Add("estonia", new CharacterSet("iso-8859-13", 1));
mapping.Add("dos", new CharacterSet("ibm437", 1));
internal static void InitCollections(MySqlConnection connection)
defaultCollations = new Dictionary<string, string>();
maxLengths = new Dictionary<string, int>();
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SHOW CHARSET", connection);
using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
defaultCollations.Add(reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(2));
maxLengths.Add(reader.GetString(0), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetValue(3)));
internal static string GetDefaultCollation(string charset, MySqlConnection connection)
lock (lockObject)
if (defaultCollations == null)
if (!defaultCollations.ContainsKey(charset))
return null;
return defaultCollations[charset];
internal static int GetMaxLength(string charset, MySqlConnection connection)
lock (lockObject)
if (maxLengths == null)
if (!maxLengths.ContainsKey(charset))
return 1;
return maxLengths[charset];
internal class CharacterSet
public string name;
public int byteCount;
public CharacterSet(string name, int byteCount)
{ = name;
this.byteCount = byteCount;