using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Configuration; using Web.Core; using FLocal.Common; namespace FLocal.IISHandler { public class MainHandler : IHttpHandler { private static readonly Counter counter = new Counter(); public bool IsReusable { get { return true; } } private void doProcessRequest(HttpContext httpcontext) { Uri current = httpcontext.Request.Url; if(!current.Host.EndsWith(Config.instance.BaseHost)) { throw new Web.Core.FLocalException("Wrong host: " + current.Host + " (expected *" + Config.instance.BaseHost + ")"); } if(Config.instance.forceHttps && !httpcontext.Request.IsSecureConnection) { throw new Web.Core.FLocalException("Only HTTPS connections are allowed"); } Uri referer = httpcontext.Request.UrlReferrer; if(referer != null && referer.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/static") && !httpcontext.Request.Path.StartsWith("/static")) { throw new HttpException(403, "You have come from the static page '" + referer + "'"); } WebContext context = new WebContext(httpcontext); try { ISpecificHandler handler = HandlersFactory.getHandler(context); handler.Handle(context); } catch(WrongUrlException) { (new handlers.WrongUrlHandler()).Handle(context); } } public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { Initializer.instance.Initialize(); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; int requestNumber = counter.GetCurrentValueAndIncrement(); try { Config.instance.Logger.Log("Began serving request #" + requestNumber + ": " + context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); this.doProcessRequest(context); Config.instance.Logger.Log("Done serving request #" + requestNumber + "; " + (DateTime.Now-start).TotalSeconds + " seconds spent"); } catch(RedirectException e) { Config.instance.Logger.Log("Done serving request #" + requestNumber + "; " + (DateTime.Now-start).TotalSeconds + " seconds spent (redirected)"); context.Response.Redirect(e.newUrl); } } } }