using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Patcher.DB { class Transaction : IDisposable { private DbConnection connection; private DbTransaction transaction; private readonly IDBTraits traits; private bool isClosed; public Transaction(IDBTraits traits, string connectionString) { this.traits = traits; DbConnection _connection = null; DbTransaction _transaction = null; try { _connection = traits.CreateConnection(connectionString); _transaction = _connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable); this.connection = _connection; this.transaction = _transaction; } catch(Exception) { if(_transaction != null) { _transaction.Dispose(); this.transaction = null; } if(_connection != null) { _connection.Dispose(); this.connection = null; } throw; } } private void CheckOpened() { if(this.isClosed) throw new ApplicationException("Connection is already closed"); } private DbCommand CreateTextCommand() { this.CheckOpened(); DbCommand command = this.connection.CreateCommand(); try { command.Transaction = this.transaction; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; return command; } catch(Exception) { command.Dispose(); throw; } } public string MarkParam(string paramName) { return this.traits.MarkParam(paramName); } public string EscapeName(string name) { return this.traits.EscapeName(name); } public void Commit() { this.CheckOpened(); this.isClosed = true; this.transaction.Commit(); this.transaction = null; this.connection.Close(); this.connection = null; } public void Dispose() { this.isClosed = true; if(this.transaction != null) { try { this.transaction.Rollback(); this.transaction.Dispose(); } catch(SystemException) { throw; } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } this.transaction = null; } if(this.connection != null) { try { if(this.connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { this.connection.Close(); } this.connection.Dispose(); } catch(SystemException) { throw; } catch(Exception e) //Dispose should not throw exceptions { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } this.connection = null; } } private static DbType DetectParameterType(object value) { if(value is string) { return DbType.String; } if((value is decimal) || (value is int) || (value is long) || (value is short)) { return DbType.Decimal; } if((value is float) || (value is double)) { return DbType.Double; } if(value is DateTime) { return DbType.DateTime; } return DbType.Object; } private DbCommand CreateCommand(string commandText, Dictionary parameters) { DbCommand command = this.CreateTextCommand(); command.CommandText = commandText; foreach(var kvp in parameters) { DbParameter parameter = command.CreateParameter(); parameter.DbType = DetectParameterType(kvp.Value); parameter.ParameterName = kvp.Key; parameter.Value = kvp.Value; command.Parameters.Add(parameter); } return command; } public IEnumerable> ExecuteReader(string commandText, Dictionary parameters) { using(DbCommand command = this.CreateCommand(commandText, parameters)) { Logger.instance.Log(commandText); using(DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { //Console.WriteLine(String.Join(";", (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount) select i + ":" + reader.GetName(i)).ToArray())); while(reader.Read()) { yield return (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount) select new KeyValuePair(reader.GetName(i), reader.GetValue(i).ToString())).ToDictionary(); } } } } public IEnumerable> ExecuteReader(string commandText) { return this.ExecuteReader(commandText, new Dictionary()); } public int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText, Dictionary parameters) { using(DbCommand command = this.CreateCommand(commandText, parameters)) { Logger.instance.Log(commandText); return command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } public int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText) { return this.ExecuteNonQuery(commandText, new Dictionary()); } //SELECT LINE, TEXT FROM ALL_SOURCE WHERE TYPE = 'PACKAGE BODY' AND NAME = '' AND OWNER = (SELECT USER FROM DUAL) for update public StoredProcedureBody GetStoredProcedureBody(StoredProcedureReference procedure) { return this.traits.GetStoredProcedureBody(this.CreateTextCommand, procedure); } public void ReplaceStoredProcedureBody(StoredProcedureReference procedure, StoredProcedureBody newBody) { this.traits.ReplaceStoredProcedureBody(this.CreateTextCommand, procedure, newBody); } public void RemoveStoredProcedure(StoredProcedureReference procedure) { this.traits.RemoveStoredProcedure(this.CreateTextCommand, procedure); } public void CreateStoredProcedure(StoredProcedureReference procedure, StoredProcedureBody body) { this.traits.CreateStoredProcedure(this.CreateTextCommand, procedure, body); } public ColumnOptions GetColumnOptions(ColumnReference column) { return this.traits.GetColumnOptions(this.CreateTextCommand, column); } public void RemoveColumn(ColumnReference column) { this.traits.RemoveColumn(this.CreateTextCommand, column); } public void CreateColumn(ColumnDescription description) { this.traits.CreateColumn(this.CreateTextCommand, description); } public void ModifyColumn(ColumnDescription description) { this.traits.ModifyColumn(this.CreateTextCommand, description); } public void CreateConstraint(AbstractConstraint constraint) { this.traits.CreateConstraint(this.CreateTextCommand, constraint); } public void RemoveConstraint(AbstractConstraint constraint) { this.traits.RemoveConstraint(this.CreateTextCommand, constraint); } public void CreateTable(TableDescription table) { this.traits.CreateTable(this.CreateTextCommand, table); } public void RemoveTable(TableDescription table) { this.traits.RemoveTable(this.CreateTextCommand, table); } public string GetViewBody(string viewName) { return this.traits.GetViewBody(this.CreateTextCommand, viewName); } public void CreateView(string viewName, string body) { this.traits.CreateView(this.CreateTextCommand, viewName, body); } public void RemoveView(string viewName) { this.traits.RemoveView(this.CreateTextCommand, viewName); } } }