Initializes a new instance of the class. When a new instance of is created, the read/write properties are set to the following initial values unless they are specifically set using their associated keywords in the property. Properties Initial Value empty string ("") 15 empty string ("") empty string ("") empty string ("") You can change the value for these properties only by using the ConnectionString property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class when given a string containing the connection string. When a new instance of is created, the read/write properties are set to the following initial values unless they are specifically set using their associated keywords in the property. Properties Initial Value empty string ("") 15 empty string ("") empty string ("") empty string ("") You can change the value for these properties only by using the ConnectionString property. The connection properties used to open the MySQL database. Opens a database connection with the property settings specified by the ConnectionString. Cannot open a connection without specifying a data source or server. A connection-level error occurred while opening the connection. The draws an open connection from the connection pool if one is available. Otherwise, it establishes a new connection to an instance of MySQL. The following example creates a , opens it, displays some of its properties, then closes the connection. Public Sub CreateMySqlConnection(myConnString As String) Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString) myConnection.Open() MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.Cr + "State: " + myConnection.State.ToString()) myConnection.Close() End Sub public void CreateMySqlConnection(string myConnString) { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(myConnString); myConnection.Open(); MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nState: " + myConnection.State.ToString()); myConnection.Close(); } Gets the name of the current database or the database to be used after a connection is opened. The name of the current database or the name of the database to be used after a connection is opened. The default value is an empty string. The Database property does not update dynamically. If you change the current database using a SQL statement, then this property may reflect the wrong value. If you change the current database using the method, this property is updated to reflect the new database. The following example creates a and displays some of its read-only properties. Public Sub CreateMySqlConnection() Dim myConnString As String = _ "Persist Security Info=False;database=test;server=localhost;user id=joeuser;pwd=pass" Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection( myConnString ) myConnection.Open() MessageBox.Show( "Server Version: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.NewLine + "Database: " + myConnection.Database ) myConnection.ChangeDatabase( "test2" ) MessageBox.Show( "ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.NewLine + "Database: " + myConnection.Database ) myConnection.Close() End Sub public void CreateMySqlConnection() { string myConnString = "Persist Security Info=False;database=test;server=localhost;user id=joeuser;pwd=pass"; MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection( myConnString ); myConnection.Open(); MessageBox.Show( "Server Version: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nDatabase: " + myConnection.Database ); myConnection.ChangeDatabase( "test2" ); MessageBox.Show( "ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nDatabase: " + myConnection.Database ); myConnection.Close(); } Gets the current state of the connection. A bitwise combination of the values. The default is Closed. The allowed state changes are: From Closed to Open, using the Open method of the connection object. From Open to Closed, using either the Close method or the Dispose method of the connection object. The following example creates a , opens it, displays some of its properties, then closes the connection. Public Sub CreateMySqlConnection(myConnString As String) Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString) myConnection.Open() MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.Cr + "State: " + myConnection.State.ToString()) myConnection.Close() End Sub public void CreateMySqlConnection(string myConnString) { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(myConnString); myConnection.Open(); MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nState: " + myConnection.State.ToString()); myConnection.Close(); } Gets a string containing the version of the MySQL server to which the client is connected. The version of the instance of MySQL. The connection is closed. The following example creates a , opens it, displays some of its properties, then closes the connection. Public Sub CreateMySqlConnection(myConnString As String) Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString) myConnection.Open() MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.Cr + "State: " + myConnection.State.ToString()) myConnection.Close() End Sub public void CreateMySqlConnection(string myConnString) { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(myConnString); myConnection.Open(); MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nState: " + myConnection.State.ToString()); myConnection.Close(); } Closes the connection to the database. This is the preferred method of closing any open connection. The Close method rolls back any pending transactions. It then releases the connection to the connection pool, or closes the connection if connection pooling is disabled. An application can call Close more than one time. No exception is generated. The following example creates a , opens it, displays some of its properties, then closes the connection. Public Sub CreateMySqlConnection(myConnString As String) Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString) myConnection.Open() MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.Cr + "State: " + myConnection.State.ToString()) myConnection.Close() End Sub public void CreateMySqlConnection(string myConnString) { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(myConnString); myConnection.Open(); MessageBox.Show("ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nState: " + myConnection.State.ToString()); myConnection.Close(); } Creates and returns a object associated with the . A object. Begins a database transaction. An object representing the new transaction. Parallel transactions are not supported. This command is equivalent to the MySQL BEGIN TRANSACTION command. You must explicitly commit or roll back the transaction using the or method. If you do not specify an isolation level, the default isolation level is used. To specify an isolation level with the method, use the overload that takes the iso parameter. Also note that any attempt to begin a transaction while a transaction is in progress will throw an exception on MySQL 4.1 and higher. On MySQL 4.0, an exception will not be thrown because servers 4.0 and earlier did not report their transacation status. The following example creates a and a . It also demonstrates how to use the BeginTransaction, a , and methods. Public Sub RunTransaction(myConnString As String) Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString) myConnection.Open() Dim myCommand As MySqlCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand() Dim myTrans As MySqlTransaction ' Start a local transaction myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction() ' Must assign both transaction object and connection ' to Command object for a pending local transaction myCommand.Connection = myConnection myCommand.Transaction = myTrans Try myCommand.CommandText = "Insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (100, 'Description')" myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myCommand.CommandText = "Insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (101, 'Description')" myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myTrans.Commit() Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database.") Catch e As Exception Try myTrans.Rollback() Catch ex As MySqlException If Not myTrans.Connection Is Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + ex.GetType().ToString() + _ " was encountered while attempting to roll back the transaction.") End If End Try Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + e.GetType().ToString() + _ "was encountered while inserting the data.") Console.WriteLine("Neither record was written to database.") Finally myConnection.Close() End Try End Sub public void RunTransaction(string myConnString) { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(myConnString); myConnection.Open(); MySqlCommand myCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand(); MySqlTransaction myTrans; // Start a local transaction myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction(); // Must assign both transaction object and connection // to Command object for a pending local transaction myCommand.Connection = myConnection; myCommand.Transaction = myTrans; try { myCommand.CommandText = "insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (100, 'Description')"; myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myCommand.CommandText = "insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (101, 'Description')"; myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myTrans.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database."); } catch(Exception e) { try { myTrans.Rollback(); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (myTrans.Connection != null) { Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + ex.GetType() + " was encountered while attempting to roll back the transaction."); } } Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + e.GetType() + " was encountered while inserting the data."); Console.WriteLine("Neither record was written to database."); } finally { myConnection.Close(); } } Begins a database transaction with the specified isolation level. The isolation level under which the transaction should run. An object representing the new transaction. Parallel exceptions are not supported. This command is equivalent to the MySQL BEGIN TRANSACTION command. You must explicitly commit or roll back the transaction using the or method. If you do not specify an isolation level, the default isolation level is used. To specify an isolation level with the method, use the overload that takes the iso parameter. Also note that any attempt to begin a transaction while a transaction is in progress will throw an exception on MySQL 4.1 and higher. On MySQL 4.0, an exception will not be thrown because servers 4.0 and earlier did not report their transacation status. The following example creates a and a . It also demonstrates how to use the BeginTransaction, a , and methods. Public Sub RunTransaction(myConnString As String) Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString) myConnection.Open() Dim myCommand As MySqlCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand() Dim myTrans As MySqlTransaction ' Start a local transaction myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction() ' Must assign both transaction object and connection ' to Command object for a pending local transaction myCommand.Connection = myConnection myCommand.Transaction = myTrans Try myCommand.CommandText = "Insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (100, 'Description')" myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myCommand.CommandText = "Insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (101, 'Description')" myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myTrans.Commit() Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database.") Catch e As Exception Try myTrans.Rollback() Catch ex As MySqlException If Not myTrans.Connection Is Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + ex.GetType().ToString() + _ " was encountered while attempting to roll back the transaction.") End If End Try Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + e.GetType().ToString() + _ "was encountered while inserting the data.") Console.WriteLine("Neither record was written to database.") Finally myConnection.Close() End Try End Sub public void RunTransaction(string myConnString) { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(myConnString); myConnection.Open(); MySqlCommand myCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand(); MySqlTransaction myTrans; // Start a local transaction myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction(); // Must assign both transaction object and connection // to Command object for a pending local transaction myCommand.Connection = myConnection; myCommand.Transaction = myTrans; try { myCommand.CommandText = "insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (100, 'Description')"; myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myCommand.CommandText = "insert into Test (id, desc) VALUES (101, 'Description')"; myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myTrans.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database."); } catch(Exception e) { try { myTrans.Rollback(); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (myTrans.Connection != null) { Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + ex.GetType() + " was encountered while attempting to roll back the transaction."); } } Console.WriteLine("An exception of type " + e.GetType() + " was encountered while inserting the data."); Console.WriteLine("Neither record was written to database."); } finally { myConnection.Close(); } } Changes the current database for an open MySqlConnection. The name of the database to use. The value supplied in the database parameter must be a valid database name. The database parameter cannot contain a null value, an empty string, or a string with only blank characters. When you are using connection pooling against MySQL, and you close the connection, it is returned to the connection pool. The next time the connection is retrieved from the pool, the reset connection request executes before the user performs any operations. The database name is not valid. The connection is not open. Cannot change the database. The following example creates a and displays some of its read-only properties. Public Sub CreateMySqlConnection() Dim myConnString As String = _ "Persist Security Info=False;database=test;server=localhost;user id=joeuser;pwd=pass" Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection( myConnString ) myConnection.Open() MessageBox.Show( "Server Version: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.NewLine + "Database: " + myConnection.Database ) myConnection.ChangeDatabase( "test2" ) MessageBox.Show( "ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion _ + ControlChars.NewLine + "Database: " + myConnection.Database ) myConnection.Close() End Sub public void CreateMySqlConnection() { string myConnString = "Persist Security Info=False;database=test;server=localhost;user id=joeuser;pwd=pass"; MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection( myConnString ); myConnection.Open(); MessageBox.Show( "Server Version: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nDatabase: " + myConnection.Database ); myConnection.ChangeDatabase( "test2" ); MessageBox.Show( "ServerVersion: " + myConnection.ServerVersion + "\nDatabase: " + myConnection.Database ); myConnection.Close(); } Occurs when the state of the connection changes. The StateChange event fires whenever the changes from closed to opened, or from opened to closed. StateChange fires immediately after the transitions. If an event handler throws an exception from within the StateChange event, the exception propagates to the caller of the or method. The StateChange event is not raised unless you explicitly call Close or Dispose. Raised. The event handler receives an argument of type containing data related to this event. The following StateChangeEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event. Property Description Gets the new state of the connection. The connection object will be in the new state already when the event is fired. Gets the original state of the connection. Occurs when MySQL returns warnings as a result of executing a command or query. Represents an open connection to a MySQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited. A MySqlConnection object represents a session to a MySQL Server data source. When you create an instance of MySqlConnection, all properties are set to their initial values. For a list of these values, see the MySqlConnection constructor. If the MySqlConnection goes out of scope, it is not closed. Therefore, you must explicitly close the connection by calling or . The following example creates a and a MySqlConnection. The MySqlConnection is opened and set as the for the MySqlCommand. The example then calls , and closes the connection. To accomplish this, the ExecuteNonQuery is passed a connection string and a query string that is a SQL INSERT statement. Public Sub InsertRow(myConnectionString As String) ' If the connection string is null, use a default. If myConnectionString = "" Then myConnectionString = "Database=Test;Data Source=localhost;User Id=username;Password=pass" End If Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnectionString) Dim myInsertQuery As String = "INSERT INTO Orders (id, customerId, amount) Values(1001, 23, 30.66)" Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand(myInsertQuery) myCommand.Connection = myConnection myConnection.Open() myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myCommand.Connection.Close() End Sub public void InsertRow(string myConnectionString) { // If the connection string is null, use a default. if(myConnectionString == "") { myConnectionString = "Database=Test;Data Source=localhost;User Id=username;Password=pass"; } MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(myConnectionString); string myInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO Orders (id, customerId, amount) Values(1001, 23, 30.66)"; MySqlCommand myCommand = new MySqlCommand(myInsertQuery); myCommand.Connection = myConnection; myConnection.Open(); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myCommand.Connection.Close(); } Gets the time to wait while trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error. The value set is less than 0. A value of 0 indicates no limit, and should be avoided in a because an attempt to connect will wait indefinitely. The following example creates a MySqlConnection and sets some of its properties in the connection string. Public Sub CreateSqlConnection() Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection() myConnection.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;Username=user;Password=pass;database=test1;server=localhost;Connect Timeout=30" myConnection.Open() End Sub public void CreateSqlConnection() { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(); myConnection.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;Username=user;Password=pass;database=test1;server=localhost;Connect Timeout=30"; myConnection.Open(); } Gets or sets the string used to connect to a MySQL Server database. The ConnectionString returned may not be exactly like what was originally set but will be indentical in terms of keyword/value pairs. Security information will not be included unless the Persist Security Info value is set to true. You can use the ConnectionString property to connect to a database. The following example illustrates a typical connection string. "Persist Security Info=False;database=MyDB;server=MySqlServer;user id=myUser;Password=myPass" The ConnectionString property can be set only when the connection is closed. Many of the connection string values have corresponding read-only properties. When the connection string is set, all of these properties are updated, except when an error is detected. In this case, none of the properties are updated. properties return only those settings contained in the ConnectionString. To connect to a local machine, specify "localhost" for the server. If you do not specify a server, localhost is assumed. Resetting the ConnectionString on a closed connection resets all connection string values (and related properties) including the password. For example, if you set a connection string that includes "Database= MyDb", and then reset the connection string to "Data Source=myserver;User Id=myUser;Password=myPass", the property is no longer set to MyDb. The connection string is parsed immediately after being set. If errors in syntax are found when parsing, a runtime exception, such as , is generated. Other errors can be found only when an attempt is made to open the connection. The basic format of a connection string consists of a series of keyword/value pairs separated by semicolons. The equal sign (=) connects each keyword and its value. To include values that contain a semicolon, single-quote character, or double-quote character, the value must be enclosed in double quotes. If the value contains both a semicolon and a double-quote character, the value can be enclosed in single quotes. The single quote is also useful if the value begins with a double-quote character. Conversely, the double quote can be used if the value begins with a single quote. If the value contains both single-quote and double-quote characters, the quote character used to enclose the value must be doubled each time it occurs within the value. To include preceding or trailing spaces in the string value, the value must be enclosed in either single quotes or double quotes. Any leading or trailing spaces around integer, Boolean, or enumerated values are ignored, even if enclosed in quotes. However, spaces within a string literal keyword or value are preserved. Using .NET Framework version 1.1, single or double quotes may be used within a connection string without using delimiters (for example, Data Source= my'Server or Data Source= my"Server), unless a quote character is the first or last character in the value. To include an equal sign (=) in a keyword or value, it must be preceded by another equal sign. For example, in the hypothetical connection string "key==word=value" the keyword is "key=word" and the value is "value". If a specific keyword in a keyword= value pair occurs multiple times in a connection string, the last occurrence listed is used in the value set. Keywords are not case sensitive. The following table lists the valid names for keyword values within the ConnectionString.
Name Default Description
Connect Timeout -or- Connection Timeout 15 The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating an error.
Host -or- Server -or- Data Source -or- DataSource -or- Address -or- Addr -or- Network Address localhost The name or network address of the instance of MySQL to which to connect. Multiple hosts can be specified separated by &. This can be useful where multiple MySQL servers are configured for replication and you are not concerned about the precise server you are connecting to. No attempt is made by the provider to synchronize writes to the database so care should be taken when using this option. In Unix environment with Mono, this can be a fully qualified path to MySQL socket filename. With this configuration, the Unix socket will be used instead of TCP/IP socket. Currently only a single socket name can be given so accessing MySQL in a replicated environment using Unix sockets is not currently supported.
Port 3306 The port MySQL is using to listen for connections. This value is ignored if the connection protocol is anything but socket.
Protocol socket Specifies the type of connection to make to the server.Values can be: socket or tcp for a socket connection
pipe for a named pipe connection
unix for a Unix socket connection
memory to use MySQL shared memory
CharSet -or Character Set Specifies the character set that should be used to encode all queries sent to the server. Resultsets are still returned in the character set of the data returned.
Logging false When true, various pieces of information is output to any configured TraceListeners.
Allow Batch true When true, multiple SQL statements can be sent with one command execution.

Starting with MySQL 4.1.1, batch statements should be separated by the server-defined seperator character.
Commands sent to earlier versions of MySQL should be seperated with ';'.
Encrypt false When true, SSL/TLS encryption is used for all data sent between the client and server if the server has a certificate installed. Recognized values are true, false, yes, and no.
Initial Catalog -or- Database mysql The name of the database to use intially
Password -or- pwd The password for the MySQL account being used.
Persist Security Info false When set to false or no (strongly recommended), security-sensitive information, such as the password, is not returned as part of the connection if the connection is open or has ever been in an open state. Resetting the connection string resets all connection string values including the password. Recognized values are true, false, yes, and no.
User Id -or- Username -or- Uid -or- User name The MySQL login account being used.
Shared Memory Name MYSQL The name of the shared memory object to use for communication if the connection protocol is set to memory.
Allow Zero Datetime false True to have MySqlDataReader.GetValue() return a MySqlDateTime for date or datetime columns that have illegal values. False will cause a DateTime object to be returned for legal values and an exception will be thrown for illegal values.
Convert Zero Datetime false True to have MySqlDataReader.GetValue() and MySqlDataReader.GetDateTime() return DateTime.MinValue for date or datetime columns that have illegal values.
Pipe Name -or- Pipe mysql When set to the name of a named pipe, the MySqlConnection will attempt to connect to MySQL on that named pipe.

This settings only applies to the Windows platform.
Use Performance Monitor -or- UsePerformanceMonitor false Posts performance data that can be tracked using perfmon
Procedure Cache Size 25 How many stored procedure definitions can be held in the cache
Ignore Prepare true Instructs the provider to ignore any attempts to prepare commands. This option was added to allow a user to disable prepared statements in an entire application without modifying the code. A user might want to do this if errors or bugs are encountered with MySQL prepared statements.
Use Procedure Bodies true Instructs the provider to attempt to call the procedure without first resolving the metadata. This is useful in situations where the calling user does not have access to the mysql.proc table. To use this mode, the parameters for the procedure must be added to the command in the same order as they appear in the procedure definition and their types must be explicitly set.
Auto Enlist true Indicates whether the connection should automatically enlist in the current transaction, if there is one.
Respect Binary Flags true Indicates whether the connection should respect all binary flags sent to the client as part of column metadata. False will cause the connector to behave like Connector/Net 5.0 and earlier.
BlobAsUTF8IncludePattern null Pattern that should be used to indicate which blob columns should be treated as UTF-8.
BlobAsUTF8ExcludePattern null Pattern that should be used to indicate which blob columns should not be treated as UTF-8.
Default Command Timeout 30 The default timeout that new MySqlCommand objects will use unless changed.
Allow User Variables false Should the provider expect user variables in the SQL.
Interactive -or- Interactive Session false Should this session be considered interactive?
Functions Return String false Set this option to true to force the return value of SQL functions to be string.
Use Affected Rows false Set this option to true to cause the affected rows reported to reflect only the rows that are actually changed. By default, the number of rows that are matched is returned.
The following table lists the valid names for connection pooling values within the ConnectionString. For more information about connection pooling, see Connection Pooling for the MySql Data Provider.
Name Default Description
Connection Lifetime 0 When a connection is returned to the pool, its creation time is compared with the current time, and the connection is destroyed if that time span (in seconds) exceeds the value specified by Connection Lifetime. This is useful in clustered configurations to force load balancing between a running server and a server just brought online. A value of zero (0) causes pooled connections to have the maximum connection timeout.
Max Pool Size 100 The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool.
Min Pool Size 0 The minimum number of connections allowed in the pool.
Pooling true When true, the MySqlConnection object is drawn from the appropriate pool, or if necessary, is created and added to the appropriate pool. Recognized values are true, false, yes, and no.
Connection Reset false Specifies whether the database connection should be reset when being drawn from the pool. Leaving this as false will yeild much faster connection opens but the user should understand the side effects of doing this such as temporary tables and user variables from the previous session not being cleared out.
When setting keyword or connection pooling values that require a Boolean value, you can use 'yes' instead of 'true', and 'no' instead of 'false'. Note The MySql Data Provider uses the native socket protocol to communicate with MySQL. Therefore, it does not support the use of an ODBC data source name (DSN) when connecting to MySQL because it does not add an ODBC layer. CAUTION In this release, the application should use caution when constructing a connection string based on user input (for example when retrieving user ID and password information from a dialog box, and appending it to the connection string). The application should ensure that a user cannot embed extra connection string parameters in these values (for example, entering a password as "validpassword;database=somedb" in an attempt to attach to a different database).
The following example creates a and sets some of its properties Public Sub CreateConnection() Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection() myConnection.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;database=myDB;server=myHost;Connect Timeout=30;user id=myUser; pwd=myPass" myConnection.Open() End Sub 'CreateConnection public void CreateConnection() { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(); myConnection.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;database=myDB;server=myHost;Connect Timeout=30;user id=myUser; pwd=myPass"; myConnection.Open(); } The following example creates a in Unix environment with Mono installed. MySQL socket filename used in this example is "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock". The actual filename depends on your MySQL configuration. Public Sub CreateConnection() Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection() myConnection.ConnectionString = "database=myDB;server=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock;user id=myUser; pwd=myPass" myConnection.Open() End Sub 'CreateConnection public void CreateConnection() { MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(); myConnection.ConnectionString = "database=myDB;server=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock;user id=myUser; pwd=myPass"; myConnection.Open(); }
Empties the connection pool associated with the specified connection. The associated with the pool to be cleared. ClearPool clears the connection pool that is associated with the connection. If additional connections associated with connection are in use at the time of the call, they are marked appropriately and are discarded (instead of being returned to the pool) when Close is called on them. Clears all connection pools. ClearAllPools essentially performs a on all current connection pools.