Version 6.2.3 - fixed InvalidOperationException when accessing Stream.ReadTimeout or Stream.WriteTimeout on CF (bug #50321) - fixed entity framework function processing so that it handles stored functions properly (bug #45277) - fixed a bug with prepared statements and unsigned bigint. Patch also provided a nice speedup to reading integer values from the wire (bug #49794) - fixed problem where not specifying the data type of the return value of a function caused it to mistakenly use Decimal as the return type (bug #49642) - fixed bug where a scipt that had an empty last line would cause an InvalidOperationException (bug #50344) - fixed bug in logging that kept no index and bad index warnings from being sent - fixed bug where giving a connection string option like (option=) and then trying to read the option back via the property would fail (bug #51209) - fixed bug where a connection could not be reused in the IDE in some circumstances (bug #41629) - small performance fix (bug #51149) - fixed issue with script execution & multi-char delimiters (bug #46429) - fixed bug in table editor where clicking back on the last row added can sometimes cause a ArgumentOutOfRange exception - fixed bug where a commands batchable command text was not getting reset when the command text was reset (bug #50444) - fixed bug where using a currently non-batchable command in a batch would throw an exception (bug #50123) - fixed bug where binary or blob columns would prevent columns after that from appearing in the query builder (bug #50171) - ScriptCompleted event handler now uses EventArgs.Empty instead of null - fixed parsing bug that was caused by special characters being jammed up beside a quoted identifier (bug #51610) - added feature where sql queries that are longer than 300 chars are normalized and a new query normalized log line is issues right after query opened to give the query normalized text - fixed bug in sql generation when using a negated binary fragment in EF (bug #49850) - fixed bug in tokenization where a nonterminated string in sql will cause a CLR exception rather than throwing a syntax exception (bug #51788) - added two requested features -- MySqlDataReader.GetFieldType(string columnname) & MySqlDataReader.GetOrdinal() includes the name of the column in the exception when not found (bug #47467) Version 6.2.2 - Fix race condition during TransactionScope rollback (bug#35330) - When sending file to server (LOAD DATA INFILE) open the file for read only, not for read/write (bug #48944) - Fixed precision calculation on decimal and newdecimal columns (bug #48171) - Fixed problem caused by us not including a 'REFERENCED_TABLE_CATALOG' column in our foreign keys collection (bug #48974) Version 6.2.1 - fixed SessionProvider to be compatible with 4.x MySQL, replaced TIMESTAMPDIFF with TIME_TO_SEC (bug#47219) - implemented support for client SSL certificates