using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Patcher; namespace Patcher.DB { /// /// This class contains ANSI SQL query builders
/// /// class SQLQueryManager { [Flags] private enum Specific { None = 0x0, OracleNullExtension = 0x1, } [Flags] private enum ColumnSpecific { None = 0x0, PrimaryKey = 0x1, } private readonly Func nameEscaper; public SQLQueryManager(Func nameEscaper) { this.nameEscaper = nameEscaper; } /// /// SQL-92, page 262
/// Note that setting oracleNullExtension to true will make the query non-compliant ///
private string _ColumnDefinition(ColumnDescription description, ColumnSpecific columnSpecific, Specific specific) { return string.Format( "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", nameEscaper(description.column.columnName), //column name description.options.type, //data type | domain name (description.options.defaultValue != null) ? "DEFAULT " + description.options.defaultValue : "", //NOTE possible SQL injection here! //default clause String.Join( " ", Enumerable.Empty() .ConcatScalar(description.options.isNotNull ? "NOT NULL" : ((specific & Specific.OracleNullExtension) == Specific.OracleNullExtension ? "NULL" : null)) .ConcatScalar((columnSpecific & ColumnSpecific.PrimaryKey) == ColumnSpecific.PrimaryKey ? "PRIMARY KEY" : null) .ToArray() ), //column constraint definition "" //collate clause ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 283 /// private string _AlterTableStatement(string table, string alterTableAction) { return string.Format( "alter table {0} {1}", nameEscaper(table), alterTableAction ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 284 /// private string _AddColumnDefinition(ColumnDescription description) { return string.Format( "add {0}", _ColumnDefinition(description, ColumnSpecific.None, Specific.None) ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 289 /// private string _DropColumnDefinition(ColumnReference column) { return string.Format( "drop column {0} {1}", nameEscaper(column.columnName), //column name "" //drop behavior ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 274 /// private static string _ReferentialAction(ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction action) { switch(action) { case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.NoAction: return "NO ACTION"; case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.Cascade: return "CASCADE"; case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.SetNull: return "SET NULL"; case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.SetDefault: return "SET DEFAULT"; default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown action {0}", action)); } } /// /// SQL-92, page 274
/// Note that item 8 on page 276 specifies that if ON UPDATE clause is omitted, DB should act as if "NO ACTION" is implicitly stated
/// Also, Oracle violates SQL-92 by not supporting explicit ON UPDATE clauses ///
private string _UpdateRule(ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction onUpdate) { if(onUpdate == ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.NoAction) { return ""; } return string.Format( "ON UPDATE {0}", _ReferentialAction(onUpdate) ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 274
/// Note that item 9 on page 276 specifies that if ON DELETE clause is omitted, DB should act as if "NO ACTION" is implicitly stated
/// Also, Oracle violates SQL-92 by not supporting explicit ON DELETE NO ACTION clause ///
private string _DeleteRule(ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction onDelete) { if(onDelete == ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.NoAction) { return ""; } return string.Format( "ON DELETE {0}", _ReferentialAction(onDelete) ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 274 /// private string _ReferentialTriggeredAction(ForeignKeyConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "{0} {1}", _UpdateRule(constraint.onUpdate), _DeleteRule(constraint.onDelete) ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 274 /// private string _ReferentialConstraintDefinition(ForeignKeyConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "foreign key({0}) references {1} {2}", nameEscaper(constraint.column), nameEscaper(constraint.referencedTable), _ReferentialTriggeredAction(constraint) ); } private string _UniqueConstraintDefinition(UniqueConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "UNIQUE({0})", string.Join(", ", (from column in constraint.columns select nameEscaper(column)).ToArray()) ); } private string _CheckConstraintDefinition(CheckConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "CHECK({0})", constraint.condition ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 252 /// private string _ConstraintNameDefinition(AbstractConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "CONSTRAINT {0}", nameEscaper( ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 270 /// private string _TableConstraint(AbstractConstraint constraint) { return constraint.Accept(_ReferentialConstraintDefinition, _UniqueConstraintDefinition, _CheckConstraintDefinition); } /// /// SQL-92, page 270 /// private string _TableConstraintDefinition(AbstractConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "{0} {1}", _ConstraintNameDefinition(constraint), _TableConstraint(constraint) ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 291 /// private string _AddTableConstraintDefinition(AbstractConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "ADD {0}", _TableConstraintDefinition(constraint) ); } /// /// SQL-92, page 292 /// private string _DropTableConstraintDefinition(AbstractConstraint constraint) { return string.Format( "DROP CONSTRAINT {0}", nameEscaper( ); } /// /// It seems that this feature is not mentioned in any SQL standart and is only implemented in Oracle and MySQL. /// However, it is similar to other SQL language structures, so it should be implemented in SQLQueryManager, not OracleDBTraits /// private string _ModifyColumnDefinitionOracleStyle(ColumnDescription description) { return string.Format( "modify ({0})", _ColumnDefinition(description, ColumnSpecific.None, Specific.OracleNullExtension) ); } private string _TableElementList(TableDescription table) { return string.Format( "({0})", string.Join( ", ", Enumerable.Empty() .ConcatScalar(_ColumnDefinition(table.primaryKey, ColumnSpecific.PrimaryKey, Specific.None)) .Concat(from column in table.columns select _ColumnDefinition(column, ColumnSpecific.None, Specific.None)) .ToArray() ) ); } private string _TableDefinition(TableDescription table) { return string.Format( "CREATE TABLE {0} {1}", nameEscaper(table.table), _TableElementList(table) ); } private string _DropTableStatement(string table) { return string.Format( "DROP TABLE {0} {1}", nameEscaper(table), //table name "" //drop behaviour ); } public string CreateColumn(ColumnDescription description) { return _AlterTableStatement(description.column.tableName, _AddColumnDefinition(description)); } public string RemoveColumn(ColumnReference column) { return _AlterTableStatement(column.tableName, _DropColumnDefinition(column)); } public string ModifyColumnOracleStyle(ColumnDescription description) { return _AlterTableStatement(description.column.tableName, _ModifyColumnDefinitionOracleStyle(description)); } public string CreateConstraint(AbstractConstraint constraint) { return _AlterTableStatement(constraint.table, _AddTableConstraintDefinition(constraint)); } public string DropConstraint(AbstractConstraint constraint) { return _AlterTableStatement(constraint.table, _DropTableConstraintDefinition(constraint)); } public string CreateTable(TableDescription table) { return _TableDefinition(table); } public string DropTable(string table) { return _DropTableStatement(table); } } }