using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using FLocal.Importer; using FLocal.Common.actions; using FLocal.Common.dataobjects; using FLocal.Core; using System.Configuration; using NConsoler; using System.IO; using FLocal.Common; namespace FLocal.ImportConsole { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { if(!FLocal.Common.Config.isInitialized) { lock(typeof(FLocal.Common.Config)) { if(!FLocal.Common.Config.isInitialized) { FLocal.Common.Config.Init(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings); } } Consolery.Run(typeof(Program), args); } } [Action] public static void ImportUsers() { for(int i=1; i<800; i++) { Console.Write("[" + i + "]"); foreach(string userName in ShallerGateway.getUserNames(i)) { try { User.LoadByName(userName); Console.Write("-"); } catch(NotFoundInDBException) { Dictionary userData = ShallerGateway.getUserInfo(userName); AbstractChange addUser = new InsertChange( User.TableSpec.instance, new Dictionary() { { User.TableSpec.FIELD_NAME, new ScalarFieldValue(userName) }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_REGDATE, new ScalarFieldValue(DateTime.Parse(userData["regDate"]).ToUTCString()) }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_LOCATION, new ScalarFieldValue(userData["location"]) }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_SHOWPOSTSTOUSERS, new ScalarFieldValue("All") }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_SIGNATURE, new ScalarFieldValue(userData["signature"]) }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_TITLE, new ScalarFieldValue(userData["title"]) }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_TOTALPOSTS, new ScalarFieldValue("0") }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_USERGROUPID, new ScalarFieldValue("1") }, { User.TableSpec.FIELD_BIOGRAPHY, new ScalarFieldValue(userData["biography"]) }, } ); AbstractChange addAccount = new InsertChange( Account.TableSpec.instance, new Dictionary() { { Account.TableSpec.FIELD_NAME, new ScalarFieldValue(userName.ToLower()) }, { Account.TableSpec.FIELD_NEEDSMIGRATION, new ScalarFieldValue("1") }, { Account.TableSpec.FIELD_PASSWORDHASH, new ScalarFieldValue("*") }, { Account.TableSpec.FIELD_USERID, new ReferenceFieldValue(addUser) }, } ); ChangeSetUtil.ApplyChanges(addUser, addAccount); Console.Write("."); } } } } [Action] public static void ProcessUpload(string pathToUpload) { User uploader = User.LoadByName("Guest"); DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pathToUpload); int i=0; foreach(FileSystemInfo _info in directoryInfo.GetFiles()) { if(i%100 == 0) { Console.Write("[" + (int)(i/100) + "]"); } FileInfo info = _info as FileInfo; //Console.WriteLine("Processing " + info.FullName); if(!info.Name.StartsWith("file")) { Console.Write("!"); } else { string[] parts = info.Name.Split('.'); if(parts.Length != 2) throw new FLocalException("wrong file name"); int raw = int.Parse(parts[0].PHPSubstring(4)); int id; switch(parts[1].ToLower()) { case "jpg": id = raw; break; case "gif": id = 500000 + raw; break; case "png": id = 600000 + raw; break; default: throw new FLocalException("wrong extension"); } if(info != null) { try { Upload.LoadById(id); Console.Write("-"); } catch(NotFoundInDBException) { try { UploadManager.UploadFile( info.OpenRead(), info.Name, info.LastWriteTime, uploader, id ); } catch(UploadManager.AlreadyUploadedException e) { Console.WriteLine(id + " md5 is equal to that of " + e.uploadId); Console.ReadLine(); } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.GetType().FullName + ": " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); throw; } Console.Write("+"); //Console.WriteLine("Processed " + info.FullName); } } } i++; } } } }