using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml.Linq; using NConsoler; using Web.Core; using Patcher.Data; using Patcher.Data.Patch; using Patcher.DB; using System.IO; namespace Patcher { public sealed class Updater { private const string STATUS_INSTALLING = "installing"; private const string STATUS_INSTALLED = "installed"; private readonly Context context; public Updater(IUpdateParams updateParams, IInteractiveConsole console) { Logger.LogDir = updateParams.LogDir; this.context = new Context(updateParams, console); } private int Wrap(Action action) { bool success = false; try { action(); success = true; } catch(Exception e) { this.context.console.Report(e.ToString()); } if(this.context.console.IsInteractive) { this.context.console.Report("Press any key to exit..."); this.context.console.WaitForUserAction(); } return success ? 0 : 1; } private void InstallPatch(PatchId patchId) { AbstractPatch patch = AbstractPatch.LoadById(patchId, this.context); if(!patch.DoesSupportEnvironment(this.context.EnvironmentName)) { this.context.console.Report(" (skipping because of unsupported environment) "); return; } using(var transaction = this.context.CreateTransaction()) { bool patchExistsInDB; XDocument rollbackData; var patchDBData = transaction.ExecuteReader( string.Format( "select {1} from {0} where {2} = {3} and {4} = {5}", transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("STATUS"), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.MarkParam("pversion"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME"), transaction.MarkParam("pname") ), new Dictionary { { "pversion", patchId.version }, { "pname", }, } ).ToList(); if(patch is PersistentPatch) { bool reinstall; if(patchDBData.Any()) { var patchInfo = patchDBData.Single(); switch(patchInfo["STATUS"]) { case STATUS_INSTALLED: throw new ApplicationException("Patch is already installed"); case STATUS_INSTALLING: reinstall = true; break; default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown status {0}", patchInfo["STATUS"])); } } else { reinstall = false; } if(reinstall) { patchExistsInDB = true; } throw new NotImplementedException("Persistent patch installation is not implemented yet"); } else { if(patchDBData.Any()) { throw new ApplicationException("Patch is already installed"); } patchExistsInDB = false; rollbackData = patch.Apply(transaction); } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); int affectedRows = transaction.ExecuteNonQuery( String.Format( patchExistsInDB ? "update {0} set {5} = {6}, {7} = {8} where {1} = {2} and {3} = {4}" : "insert into {0}({1}, {3}, {5}, {7}) values({2}, {4}, {6}, {8})" , transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.MarkParam("pversion"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME"), transaction.MarkParam("pname"), transaction.EscapeName("ROLLBACK_DATA"), transaction.MarkParam("prollbackdata"), transaction.EscapeName("STATUS"), transaction.MarkParam("pstatus") ), new Dictionary { { "pversion", patchId.version }, { "pname", }, { "prollbackdata", rollbackData.ToString() }, { "pstatus", STATUS_INSTALLED }, } ); if(affectedRows != 1) { throw new ApplicationException("Unable to install patch; are you trying to run two patchers simultaneously?"); } transaction.Commit(); } } private void UninstallPatch(PatchId patchId) { using(var transaction = this.context.CreateTransaction()) { AbstractPatch patch = AbstractPatch.LoadById(patchId, context); var patchInstallInfo = transaction.ExecuteReader( String.Format( "select {1} from {0} where {2} = {4} and {3} = {5} for update", transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("ROLLBACK_DATA"), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME"), transaction.MarkParam("pversion"), transaction.MarkParam("pname") ), new Dictionary { { "pversion", patchId.version }, { "pname", }, } ).Single(); patch.Rollback(transaction, XDocument.Parse(patchInstallInfo["ROLLBACK_DATA"])); int affectedRows = transaction.ExecuteNonQuery( String.Format( "delete from {0} where {1} = {3} and {2} = {4}", transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME"), transaction.MarkParam("pversion"), transaction.MarkParam("pname") ), new Dictionary { { "pversion", patchId.version }, { "pname", }, } ); if(affectedRows != 1) { throw new ApplicationException("Unable to install patch; are you trying to run two patchers simultaneously?"); } transaction.Commit(); } } private int _Apply(bool firstPatchOnly) { return Wrap(() => { this.context.console.Report("begin"); List patchesToInstall; List inputPatches = context.getPatchesList(); foreach (var patch in inputPatches) { this.context.console.Report("Found patch number {0:version}; name is {0:name}", patch); } using (Transaction transaction = this.context.CreateTransaction()) { patchesToInstall = ( //We should install patches that didn't finished installing in the first place from row in transaction.ExecuteReader( string.Format( "select {1}, {2} from {0} where {3} = {4} for update", transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME"), transaction.EscapeName("STATUS"), transaction.MarkParam("pstatus") ), new Dictionary { { "pstatus", STATUS_INSTALLING }, } ) let patch = new PatchId(int.Parse(row["VERSION"]), row["NAME"]) orderby patch ascending select patch ) .Concat( //Then are going all other patches from resources that did not begin installing Util.RemoveExtra( inputPatches, from row in transaction.ExecuteReader( string.Format( "select {1}, {2} from {0} for update", transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME") ) ) let patch = new PatchId(int.Parse(row["VERSION"]), row["NAME"]) orderby patch ascending select patch ) ) .ToList(); } if(firstPatchOnly) { patchesToInstall = patchesToInstall.RemoveAllButFirst(); } foreach (var patch in patchesToInstall) { this.context.console.Report("Going to install patch number {0:version}; name is {0:name}", patch); } if (patchesToInstall.Count == 0) { this.context.console.Report("No patches to install"); } else { this.context.console.Report("Installing {0} patches...", patchesToInstall.Count); foreach (var patch in patchesToInstall) { this.context.console.Report("Installing patch #{0:version} from {0:name}...", patch); InstallPatch(patch); this.context.console.Report("done!"); } this.context.console.Report("Finished installing patches"); } }); } public int ApplyAll() { return this._Apply(false); } public int ApplyFirstPatch() { return this._Apply(true); } private int _Rollback(bool lastPatchOnly) { return Wrap(() => { this.context.console.Report("begin"); List patchesToRemove; using (Transaction transaction = this.context.CreateTransaction()) { var patchesInstalling = ( from row in transaction.ExecuteReader( string.Format( "select {1}, {2} from {0} where {3} = {4} for update", transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME"), transaction.EscapeName("STATUS"), transaction.MarkParam("pstatus") ), new Dictionary { { "pstatus", STATUS_INSTALLING }, } ) let patch = new PatchId(int.Parse(row["VERSION"]), row["NAME"]) orderby patch ascending select patch ).ToList(); if(patchesInstalling.Any()) { foreach(var patchInstalling in patchesInstalling) { this.context.console.Report("Patch #{0:version} from {0:name} is already installing", patchInstalling); } throw new ApplicationException("Cannot uninstall patches while there are not installed ones"); } patchesToRemove = ( from row in transaction.ExecuteReader( string.Format( "select {1}, {2} from {0} order by {3} desc for update", transaction.EscapeName(this.context.PatchesTable), transaction.EscapeName("VERSION"), transaction.EscapeName("NAME"), transaction.EscapeName("INSTALL_DATE") ) ) let patch = new PatchId(int.Parse(row["VERSION"]), row["NAME"]) select patch ).ToList(); } if(lastPatchOnly) { patchesToRemove = patchesToRemove.RemoveAllButFirst(); } foreach (var patch in patchesToRemove) { this.context.console.Report("Going to uninstall patch number {0:version}; name is {0:name}", patch); } if (patchesToRemove.Count == 0) { this.context.console.Report("No patches to uninstall"); } else { this.context.console.Report("Uninstalling {0} patches...", patchesToRemove.Count); foreach (var patch in patchesToRemove) { this.context.console.Report("Uninstalling patch #{0:version} from {0:name}...", patch); UninstallPatch(patch); this.context.console.Report("done!"); } this.context.console.Report("Finished uninstalling patches"); } }); } public int RollbackAll() { return this._Rollback(false); } public int RollbackLastPatch() { return this._Rollback(true); } } }