using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Npgsql; namespace Patcher.DB { class PostgresDBTraits : IDBTraits { private static DbDataReader ExecuteReader(DbCommand command) { Logger.instance.Log(command.CommandText); return command.ExecuteReader(); } private static int ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand command) { Logger.instance.Log(command.CommandText); return command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } public static readonly IDBTraits instance = new PostgresDBTraits(); protected PostgresDBTraits() { } private static readonly Regex ALPHANUMERIC = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z]\\w*$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); private static string _EscapeName(string name) { if(!ALPHANUMERIC.IsMatch(name)) throw new ApplicationException("Name should contain only alphanumeric characters"); return string.Format("\"{0}\"", name); } string IDBTraits.EscapeName(string name) { return _EscapeName(name); } DbConnection IDBTraits.CreateConnection(string connectionString) { NpgsqlConnection connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString); connection.Open(); return connection; } string IDBTraits.MarkParam(string paramName) { if(!ALPHANUMERIC.IsMatch(paramName)) throw new ApplicationException("Name should contain only alphanumeric characters"); return ":" + paramName; } string IDBTraits.ParamName(string paramName) { if(!ALPHANUMERIC.IsMatch(paramName)) throw new ApplicationException("Name should contain only alphanumeric characters"); return paramName; } private static void AddParam(DbCommand command, string name, DbType type, object value) { var param = command.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = name; param.DbType = type; param.Value = value; command.Parameters.Add(param); } private static bool ParseBoolString(string value) { switch(value.ToLower()) { case "n": return false; case "y": return true; default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown value {0}", value)); } } private static string ParseTypeString(string type) { switch(type.ToLower()) { case "int4": return "integer"; default: return type; } } private static T CastResult(object value) where T : class { if(DBNull.Value.Equals(value)) { return null; } else { return (T)value; } } private static T? CastScalarResult(object value) where T : struct { if(DBNull.Value.Equals(value)) { return null; } else { return (T)value; } } private static readonly SQLQueryManager _SQLQueryManager = new SQLQueryManager(_EscapeName); StoredProcedureBody IDBTraits.GetStoredProcedureBody(Func commandCreator, StoredProcedureReference procedure) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private static string FormatStoredProcedureHeader(StoredProcedureReference procedure) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } void IDBTraits.ReplaceStoredProcedureBody(Func commandCreator, StoredProcedureReference procedure, StoredProcedureBody newBody) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } void IDBTraits.RemoveStoredProcedure(Func commandCreator, StoredProcedureReference procedure) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } void IDBTraits.CreateView(Func commandCreator, string viewName, string body) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } void IDBTraits.RemoveView(Func commandCreator, string viewName) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } void IDBTraits.CreateStoredProcedure(Func commandCreator, StoredProcedureReference procedure, StoredProcedureBody body) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } string IDBTraits.GetViewBody(Func commandCreator, string name) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } ColumnOptions IDBTraits.GetColumnOptions(Func commandCreator, ColumnReference column) { using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT a.attnum, a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type, a.attlen AS length, a.atttypmod AS lengthvar, a.attnotnull AS notnull, d.adsrc AS defaultvalue FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON c.oid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND c.relname = :ptable and a.attname = :pcolumn"; AddParam(command, "ptable", DbType.String, column.tableName); AddParam(command, "pcolumn", DbType.String, column.columnName); using(DbDataReader reader = ExecuteReader(command)) { if(!reader.Read()) { throw new ApplicationException("Column not found"); } return new ColumnOptions( ParseTypeString(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("type"))), reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("defaultvalue")), reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal("notnull")) ); } } } void IDBTraits.RemoveColumn(Func commandCreator, ColumnReference column) { using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = _SQLQueryManager.RemoveColumn(column); ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } void IDBTraits.CreateColumn(Func commandCreator, ColumnDescription description) { using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = _SQLQueryManager.CreateColumn(description); ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } void IDBTraits.ModifyColumn(Func commandCreator, ColumnDescription description) { using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = _SQLQueryManager.ModifyColumnPostgresStyle(description); ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } private static string GetStringRepresentation(ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction action) { switch(action) { case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.NoAction: return "a"; case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.Cascade: return "c"; case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.SetNull: return "n"; case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.SetDefault: return "d"; case ForeignKeyConstraint.ReferentialAction.Restrict: return "r"; default: throw new ApplicationException("Unknown referential action"); } } private void CheckConstraint(Func commandCreator, ForeignKeyConstraint constraint) { Int64 referencedTableOid; Int16[] attnums; Int16[] fattnums; using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = "select c.* from pg_constraint c join pg_class r on c.conrelid = r.oid where r.relname = :ptable and c.conname = :pconstraint"; AddParam(command, "ptable", DbType.String, constraint.table); AddParam(command, "pconstraint", DbType.String,; using(var reader = ExecuteReader(command)) { if(!reader.Read()) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} not found", constraint.table,; } if(reader.GetValue("contype").ToString() != "f") { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong type: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, "C", reader.GetValue("contype")); } if(reader.GetValue("confdeltype").ToString() != GetStringRepresentation(constraint.onDelete)) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong on delete action: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, GetStringRepresentation(constraint.onDelete), reader.GetValue("confdeltype")); } if(reader.GetValue("confupdtype").ToString() != GetStringRepresentation(constraint.onUpdate)) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong on update action: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, GetStringRepresentation(constraint.onUpdate), reader.GetValue("confupdtype")); } attnums = (Int16[])reader.GetValue("conkey"); fattnums = (Int16[])reader.GetValue("confkey"); referencedTableOid = (Int64)reader.GetValue("confrelid"); } if(attnums.Length != 1 || fattnums.Length != 1) { throw new FormattableException("More than one field participating in {0}.{1}", constraint.table,; } } using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = "select c.*, r.relname relname from pg_constraint c join pg_class r on c.conrelid = r.oid where r.oid = :prelid and c.contype = :ptype"; AddParam(command, "prelid", DbType.Int64, referencedTableOid); AddParam(command, "ptype", DbType.String, "p"); using(var reader = ExecuteReader(command)) { reader.Read(); if(reader.GetValue("relname").ToString() != constraint.referencedTable) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong referenced table: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, reader.GetValue("relname"), constraint.referencedTable); } Int16[] rattnums = (Int16[])reader.GetValue("conkey"); if(rattnums.Length != 1) { throw new FormattableException("Referenced table {0} primary key consists of {1} columns", constraint.referencedTable, rattnums.Length); } if(rattnums[0] != fattnums[0]) { throw new FormattableException("Referenced column {2} for constraint {0}.{1} differs from column {3} used in a primary key of referenced table", constraint.table,, fattnums[0], rattnums[0]); } } } using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT a.attnum, a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type, a.attlen AS length, a.atttypmod AS lengthvar, a.attnotnull AS notnull, d.adsrc AS defaultvalue FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON c.oid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum WHERE c.relname = :ptable and a.attnum = :pattnum"; AddParam(command, "ptable", DbType.String, constraint.table); AddParam(command, "pattnum", DbType.Int16, attnums[0]); using(var reader = ExecuteReader(command)) { reader.Read(); if(reader.GetValue("field").ToString() != constraint.column) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong column: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, constraint.column, reader.GetValue("field")); } } } } private void CheckConstraint(Func commandCreator, UniqueConstraint constraint) { Int16[] attnums = null; using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = "select c.* from pg_constraint c join pg_class r on c.conrelid = r.oid where r.relname = :ptable and c.conname = :pconstraint"; AddParam(command, "ptable", DbType.String, constraint.table); AddParam(command, "pconstraint", DbType.String,; using(var reader = ExecuteReader(command)) { if(!reader.Read()) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} not found", constraint.table,; } if(reader.GetValue("contype").ToString() != "u") { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong type: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, "C", reader.GetValue("contype")); } attnums = (Int16[])reader.GetValue("conkey"); } } using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT a.attnum, a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type, a.attlen AS length, a.atttypmod AS lengthvar, a.attnotnull AS notnull, d.adsrc AS defaultvalue FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON c.oid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum WHERE c.relname = :ptable and a.attnum in ({0})", string.Join(", ", (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, attnums.Length) select ":pattnum" + i).ToArray())); AddParam(command, "ptable", DbType.String, constraint.table); for(int i=0; i dbColumns = new HashSet(); while(reader.Read()) { dbColumns.Add(reader.GetValue("field").ToString()); } if(!dbColumns.IsSubsetOf(constraint.columns)) { throw new FormattableException("Some columns are not mentioned in constraint definition: {0}", string.Join(",", dbColumns.Except(constraint.columns).ToArray())); } if(!dbColumns.IsSupersetOf(constraint.columns)) { throw new FormattableException("Some columns are missed in DB: {0}", string.Join(",", constraint.columns.Except(dbColumns).ToArray())); } } } } private void CheckConstraint(Func commandCreator, CheckConstraint constraint) { using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = "select c.* from pg_constraint c join pg_class r on c.conrelid = r.oid where r.relname = :ptable and c.conname = :pconstraint"; AddParam(command, "ptable", DbType.String, constraint.table); AddParam(command, "pconstraint", DbType.String,; using(var reader = ExecuteReader(command)) { if(!reader.Read()) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} not found", constraint.table,; } if(reader.GetValue("contype").ToString() != "c") { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong type: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, "C", reader.GetValue("contype")); } if(reader.GetValue("consrc").ToString() != constraint.condition) { throw new FormattableException("Constraint {0}.{1} wrong condition: expected {2}, got {3}", constraint.table,, constraint.condition, reader.GetValue("consrc")); } } } } private void CheckConstraint(Func commandCreator, AbstractConstraint constraint) { constraint.Accept(fkc => CheckConstraint(commandCreator, fkc), uc => CheckConstraint(commandCreator, uc), cc => CheckConstraint(commandCreator, cc)); } public void RemoveConstraint(Func commandCreator, AbstractConstraint constraint) { CheckConstraint(commandCreator, constraint); using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = _SQLQueryManager.DropConstraint(constraint); ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } public void CreateConstraint(Func commandCreator, AbstractConstraint constraint) { using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = _SQLQueryManager.CreateConstraint(constraint); ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } public void CreateTable(Func commandCreator, TableDescription table) { using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = _SQLQueryManager.CreateTable(table); ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } private void CheckTable(Func commandCreator, TableDescription table) { HashSet columns = new HashSet(from column in table.columns select column.column.columnName); columns.Add(table.primaryKey.column.columnName); using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute, pg_class WHERE pg_class.oid = attrelid AND attnum>0 AND relname = ':ptable'"; AddParam(command, "ptable", DbType.String, table.table); using(var reader = ExecuteReader(command)) { HashSet dbColumns = new HashSet(); while(reader.Read()) { dbColumns.Add(reader.GetValue("attname").ToString()); } if(!dbColumns.IsSubsetOf(columns)) { throw new FormattableException("Some columns are not mentioned in table definition: {0}", string.Join(",", dbColumns.Except(columns).ToArray())); } if(!dbColumns.IsSupersetOf(columns)) { throw new FormattableException("Some columns are missed in DB: {0}", string.Join(",", columns.Except(dbColumns).ToArray())); } } } var options = (this as IDBTraits).GetColumnOptions(commandCreator, table.primaryKey.column); /*Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'{0}' vs '{1}'", table.primaryKey.options.type, options.type); Console.WriteLine("'{0}' vs '{1}'", table.primaryKey.options.defaultValue, options.defaultValue); Console.WriteLine("'{0}' vs '{1}'", table.primaryKey.options.isNotNull, options.isNotNull);*/ if(!table.primaryKey.options.Equals((this as IDBTraits).GetColumnOptions(commandCreator, table.primaryKey.column))) { throw new FormattableException("Column {0} definition mismatch", table.primaryKey.column.columnName); } foreach(var column in table.columns) { options = (this as IDBTraits).GetColumnOptions(commandCreator, column.column); /*Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("'{0}' vs '{1}'", column.options.type, options.type); Console.WriteLine("'{0}' vs '{1}'", column.options.defaultValue, options.defaultValue); Console.WriteLine("'{0}' vs '{1}'", column.options.isNotNull, options.isNotNull);*/ if(!column.options.Equals((this as IDBTraits).GetColumnOptions(commandCreator, column.column))) { throw new FormattableException("Column {0} definition mismatch", column.column.columnName); } } } void IDBTraits.RemoveTable(Func commandCreator, TableDescription table) { this.CheckTable(commandCreator, table); using(DbCommand command = commandCreator()) { command.CommandText = _SQLQueryManager.DropTable(table.table); ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } bool IDBTraits.IsDDLTransactional { get { return true; } } } }