An alternative to UBB.threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Web.Core.DB.conditions;
namespace Web.Core.DB {
public interface IDBConnection : IDisposable {
List<Dictionary<string, string>> LoadByIds(ITableSpec table, List<string> ids);
List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts, ColumnSpec idSpec, bool allowHugeLists);
long GetCountByConditions(ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, params JoinSpec[] joins);
Transaction beginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel iso);
void lockTable(Transaction transaction, ITableSpec table);
void lockRow(Transaction transaction, ITableSpec table, string id);
List<Dictionary<string, string>> LoadByIds(Transaction transaction, ITableSpec table, List<string> ids);
List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(Transaction transaction, ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts, bool allowHugeLists);
void update(Transaction transaction, ITableSpec table, string id, Dictionary<string, string> data);
string insert(Transaction transaction, ITableSpec table, Dictionary<string, string> data);
void delete(Transaction transaction, ITableSpec table, string id); //do we really need this?
public static class IDBConnectionExtensions {
public static List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(this IDBConnection connection, ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts) {
return connection.LoadIdsByConditions(table, conditions, diapasone, joins, sorts, table.getIdSpec(), false);
public static List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(this IDBConnection connection, ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, params JoinSpec[] joins) {
return connection.LoadIdsByConditions(table, conditions, diapasone, joins, new SortSpec[] { new SortSpec(table.getIdSpec(), true) });
public static Transaction beginTransaction(this IDBConnection connection) {
return connection.beginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
public static Dictionary<string, string> LoadById(this IDBConnection connection, ITableSpec table, string id) {
List<Dictionary<string, string>> rows = connection.LoadByIds(table, new List<string> { id });
if(rows.Count < 1) {
throw new NotFoundInDBException(table, id);
if(rows.Count > 1) {
throw new CriticalException(rows.Count + " objects with specified id");
return rows[0];
public static string LoadIdByField(this IDBConnection connection, ColumnSpec column, string value) {
List<string> ids = connection.LoadIdsByConditions(
new ComparisonCondition(
if(ids.Count > 1) {
throw new CriticalException("not unique");
} else if(ids.Count == 1) {
return ids[0];
} else {
throw new NotFoundInDBException(column, value);