An alternative to UBB.threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace FLocal.Common {
abstract public class UserContext {
public Common.Config config {
get {
return Common.Config.instance;
abstract public IOutputParams outputParams {
abstract public string formatDateTime(DateTime dateTime);
abstract public XElement formatTotalPosts(long posts);
/// <summary>
/// May be null
/// </summary>
abstract public dataobjects.Account account {
abstract public bool isPostVisible(dataobjects.Post post);
public static class UserContext_Extensions {
/*public static string ToString(this DateTime dateTime, UserContext context) {
return context.formatDateTime(dateTime);
public static XElement ToXml(this DateTime dateTime) {
return new XElement("date",
new XElement("year", dateTime.Year),
new XElement("month", dateTime.Month),
new XElement("mday", dateTime.Day),
new XElement("hour", dateTime.Hour),
new XElement("minute", dateTime.Minute),
new XElement("second", dateTime.Second),
new XElement("ticks", dateTime.Ticks),
new XElement("rss", dateTime.ToString("o"))
public static XElement ToXml(this TimeSpan timeSpan) {
return new XElement("timeSpan",
new XElement("days", (long)timeSpan.TotalDays),
new XElement("hours", timeSpan.Hours),
new XElement("minutes", timeSpan.Minutes),
new XElement("seconds", timeSpan.Seconds),
new XElement("ticks", timeSpan.Ticks)
public static Guid GetGuid(this Exception exception) {
return Core.Cache<Guid>.instance.get(exception, () => Guid.NewGuid());
public static XElement ToXml(this Exception exception) {
return new XElement("exception",
new XElement("type", exception.GetType().FullName),
new XElement("message", exception.Message),
new XElement("trace", exception.StackTrace),
new XElement("guid", exception.GetGuid().ToString())