An alternative to UBB.threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
7.8 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using PJonDevelopment.BBCode;
using System.IO;
14 years ago
using FLocal.Core;
namespace FLocal.Common {
public static class UBBParser {
private class BBParserGateway {
private class SimpleFormatter : ITextFormatter {
public static readonly SimpleFormatter instance = new SimpleFormatter();
private SimpleFormatter() {
public string Format(string source) {
return source;
private class TextFormatter : ITextFormatter {
public static readonly TextFormatter instance = new TextFormatter();
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> SMILEYS = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ ":)", "smile" },
{ ":(", "frown" },
{ ":o", "blush" },
{ ":D", "laugh" },
{ ";)", "wink" },
{ ":p", "tongue" },
/*{ ":cool:", "cool" },
{ ":crazy:", "crazy" },
{ ":mad:", "mad" },
{ ":shocked:", "shocked" },
{ ":smirk:", "smirk" },
{ ":grin:", "grin" },
{ ":ooo:", "ooo" },
{ ":confused:", "confused" },
{ ":lol:", "lol" },*/
private static readonly Dictionary<Regex, MatchEvaluator> SMILEYS_DATA = (from smile in SMILEYS select new KeyValuePair<Regex, MatchEvaluator>(new Regex("(^|\\s|>)" + Regex.Escape(smile.Key) + "($|\\s|<)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => match.Groups[1] + "<img src=\"/static/smileys/" + smile.Value + ".gif\" alt=\"" + smile.Key + "\"/>" + match.Groups[2])).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
private static readonly Regex SMILEYS_MATCHER = new Regex("(^|\\s|>)\\:(\\w+)\\:($|\\s|<)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);
private static string SMILEYS_REPLACE(Match match) {
FileInfo smiley = new FileInfo(Config.instance.dataDir + "Static\\smileys\\" + match.Groups[2] + ".gif");
if(smiley.Exists && smiley.FullName.StartsWith(Config.instance.dataDir + "Static\\smileys\\")) {
return match.Groups[1] + "<img src=\"/static/smileys/" + match.Groups[2] + ".gif\" alt=\"" + match.Groups[2] + "\"/>" + match.Groups[3];
} else {
return match.Value;
private static readonly Regex LINKS_MATCHER = new Regex("https?://[^\\s\\[<]+", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static string LINKS_REPLACE(Match match) {
return BBCodes.UrlProcessor.ProcessLink(match.Value, null, true);
private static readonly Dictionary<Regex, MatchEvaluator> TYPOGRAPHICS = new Dictionary<Regex, MatchEvaluator> {
{ new Regex("(\\s+)--?(\\s+)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => match.Groups[1] + "–" + match.Groups[2] },
{ new Regex("(\\s+)---(\\s+)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => match.Groups[1] + "—" + match.Groups[2] },
{ new Regex("\\(c\\)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "©" },
{ new Regex("\\(r\\)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "®" },
{ new Regex("\\(tm\\)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "™" },
{ new Regex("\\+\\-", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "±" },
{ new Regex("&lt;=", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "≤" },
{ new Regex("&gt;=", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "≥" },
{ new Regex("!=", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "≠" },
{ new Regex("~=", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline), match => "≈" },
private ITextFormatter inner;
private TextFormatter() {
this.inner = new BBCodeHtmlFormatter();
public string Format(string source) {
string result = this.inner.Format(source).Replace("&nbsp;", " ");
result = LINKS_MATCHER.Replace(result, LINKS_REPLACE);
foreach(var smile in SMILEYS_DATA) {
result = smile.Key.Replace(result, smile.Value);
result = SMILEYS_MATCHER.Replace(result, SMILEYS_REPLACE);
foreach(var kvp in TYPOGRAPHICS) {
result = kvp.Key.Replace(result, kvp.Value);
return result;
public static readonly BBParserGateway instance = new BBParserGateway();
private BBCodeParser parser;
private ITextFormatter formatter;
private BBCodeParser quotesParser;
private ITextFormatter simpleFormatter;
private BBParserGateway() {
this.parser = new BBCodeParser();
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("b", typeof(BBCodes.B), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("code", typeof(BBCodes.Code), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("font", typeof(BBCodes.Font), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("color", typeof(BBCodes.FontColor), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("size", typeof(BBCodes.FontSize), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("furl", typeof(BBCodes.FUrl), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("google", typeof(BBCodes.Google), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("i", typeof(BBCodes.I), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("image", typeof(BBCodes.Image), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("list", typeof(BBCodes.List), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("lurk", typeof(BBCodes.Lurk), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("*", typeof(BBCodes.ListElem), false);
14 years ago
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("poll", typeof(BBCodes.Poll), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("post", typeof(BBCodes.Post), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("quote", typeof(BBCodes.Quote), true);this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("q", typeof(BBCodes.Quote), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("s", typeof(BBCodes.S), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("spoiler", typeof(BBCodes.Spoiler), true);this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("cut", typeof(BBCodes.Spoiler), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("thread", typeof(BBCodes.Thread), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("u", typeof(BBCodes.U), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("uploadimage", typeof(BBCodes.UploadImage), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("uploadlink", typeof(BBCodes.UploadLink), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("url", typeof(BBCodes.Url), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("user", typeof(BBCodes.User), false);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("wiki", typeof(BBCodes.Wiki), true);
this.parser.ElementTypes.Add("ruwiki", typeof(BBCodes.RuWiki), true);
this.formatter = TextFormatter.instance;
this.quotesParser = new BBCodeParser();
foreach(var elementType in this.parser.ElementTypes) {
this.quotesParser.ElementTypes.Add(elementType.Key, typeof(BBCodes.QuoteSkipper), elementType.Value.RequireClosingTag);
this.simpleFormatter = SimpleFormatter.instance;
public string Parse(string input) {
14 years ago
string result = this.parser.Parse(input).Format(this.formatter);
if(result.EndsWith("<br/>")) result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 5);
return result;
public string ParseQuote(string input) {
string result = this.quotesParser.Parse(input).Format(this.simpleFormatter);
return result;
public static string UBBToIntermediate(string UBB) {
//return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(UBB).Replace("\r\n", "<br/>\r\n");
return BBParserGateway.instance.Parse(UBB);
public static string ShallerToUBB(string shaller) {
return shaller;
public static string StripQuotes(string UBB) {
return BBParserGateway.instance.ParseQuote(UBB);