const std = @import("std"); fn StackList(comptime T: type, comptime capacity_type: type, comptime capacity: capacity_type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); mem: [capacity]T, length: capacity_type, fn add(self: *Self, value: T) void { self.mem[self.length] = value; self.length += 1; } fn has(self: *const Self, needle: T) bool { for (0..self.length) |i| { if (self.mem[i] == needle) { return true; } } return false; } fn getMutableSlice(self: *Self) []T { return (&self.mem)[0..self.length]; } fn getSlice(self: *const Self) []const T { return self.mem[0..self.length]; } fn reset(self: *Self) void { self.length = 0; } fn init() Self { return Self{ .mem = undefined, .length = 0, }; } }; } fn addDigit(result: anytype, digit: u8) void { result.* = (result.* * 10) + (digit - '0'); } const ParsedLine = StackList(u32, u32, 15); fn parseLine(line: []const u8) ParsedLine { var result = ParsedLine.init(); var index: usize = 9; while (index < line.len) { while (line[index] == ' ') : (index += 1) {} var current_number: u32 = 0; while (index < line.len and line[index] != ' ') : (index += 1) { addDigit(¤t_number, line[index]); } result.add(current_number); } return result; } fn solve(times: ParsedLine, distances: ParsedLine) u128 { var result: u64 = 1; for (times.getSlice(), distances.getSlice()) |time, distance| { // This can be implemented in O(1) by solving the quadratic equation, // but I'm not in the mood to deal with all the float <-> integer nonsense // and with all the edge cases. // Times in AOC inputs are low enough, // there is not that much of a difference between O(1) and O(time) var ways: u32 = 0; for (0..(time + 1)) |i| { if (i * (time - i) > distance) { ways += 1; } } result *= ways; } return result; } pub fn main() !void { const stdout =; const raw_in =; var buffered_reader =; var reader = buffered_reader.reader(); var line_buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined; var times = parseLine((try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&line_buffer, '\n')).?); var distances = parseLine((try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&line_buffer, '\n')).?); try stdout.print("{d}\n", .{solve(times, distances)}); }