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use enum_map::EnumMap;
use ndarray::Array2;
use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
use crate::binary::{Direction, State};
use crate::board_metadata::{BoardMetadata,CellLocation};
use crate::rules::Rules;
pub struct RulesEasy {}
impl Rules for RulesEasy {
fn get_next_state(current_state: State, neighbour_counts: EnumMap<State, usize>) -> State {
match current_state {
State::Alive if neighbour_counts[State::Alive] == 2 => State::Alive,
_ if neighbour_counts[State::Alive] == 3 => State::Alive,
_ => State::Dead,
fn get_neighbours(cell_location: CellLocation, board_metadata: &BoardMetadata, _original_states: &Array2<State>) -> EnumMap<Direction, Option<CellLocation>> {
let mut neighbours = EnumMap::new();
for direction in Direction::iter() {
neighbours[direction] = board_metadata.get_neighbour_location(cell_location, direction);