use std::error::Error; use std::io::{self, BufRead}; use std::str::FromStr; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use regex::Regex; enum Rule { None, Char(char), Ref(usize), Sequence(Vec), Choice(Vec), } impl Default for Rule { fn default() -> Self { Rule::None } } impl FromStr for Rule { type Err = Box; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { lazy_static! { static ref CHAR_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"^"(\w)"$"#).unwrap(); static ref REF_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(\d+)$").unwrap(); static ref CHOICE_SEPARATOR_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"\s*\|\s*").unwrap(); static ref SEQ_SEPARATOR_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"\s+").unwrap(); } if let Some(char_captures) = CHAR_RE.captures(s) { return Ok(Rule::Char(char_captures[1].chars().next().unwrap())); } if let Some(ref_captures) = REF_RE.captures(s) { return Ok(Rule::Ref(ref_captures[1].parse()?)); } if CHOICE_SEPARATOR_RE.is_match(s) { return Ok(Rule::Choice(CHOICE_SEPARATOR_RE.split(s).map(|s| s.parse()).collect::>()?)); } if SEQ_SEPARATOR_RE.is_match(s) { return Ok(Rule::Sequence(SEQ_SEPARATOR_RE.split(s).map(|s| s.parse()).collect::>()?)); } return Err(Box::from(format!("Failed to parse string '{}'", s))); } } struct RuleWithIndex { index: usize, rule: Rule, } impl FromStr for RuleWithIndex { type Err = Box; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { lazy_static! { static ref RULE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(\d+):\s*([\S].*)$").unwrap(); } match RULE_RE.captures(s) { Some(captures) => Ok(Self { index: captures[1].parse()?, rule: captures[2].parse()?, }), None => Err(Box::from(format!("Failed to parse string '{}'", s))), } } } fn get_match(rules: &[Rule], rule: &Rule, data: &[char], offset: usize) -> Vec { match rule { Rule::None => vec![], Rule::Char(ch) => { if offset < data.len() && data[offset] == *ch { vec![offset + 1] } else { vec![] } }, Rule::Ref(rule_index) => get_match(&rules, &rules[*rule_index], &data, offset), Rule::Sequence(rules_sequence) => { let mut current_offsets = vec![offset]; for subrule in rules_sequence { current_offsets = current_offsets.into_iter() .flat_map(|current_offset| get_match(&rules, subrule, &data, current_offset)) .collect(); } current_offsets }, Rule::Choice(rules_choice) => rules_choice.iter() .flat_map(|subrule| get_match(&rules, subrule, &data, offset)) .collect(), } } fn is_match(rules: &[Rule], rule: &Rule, data: &[char]) -> bool { get_match(&rules, &rule, &data, 0).contains(&data.len()) } fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let mut lines = stdin.lock().lines().into_iter(); let mut rules_lines: Vec = Vec::new(); loop { let line =; if line == "" { break; } rules_lines.push(line.parse().unwrap()); } let mut rules: Vec = Vec::new(); rules.resize_with( rules_lines.iter().map(|rule_with_index| rule_with_index.index).max().unwrap() + 1, Default::default ); for rule_line in rules_lines { rules[rule_line.index] = rule_line.rule; } let mut matches_count = 0; loop { match { Some(Ok(line)) => { let result = is_match(&rules, &Rule::Ref(0), &line.chars().collect::>()); println!("Match: {}", result); if result { matches_count += 1; } } _ => { break; } } } println!("{}", matches_count); }