use enum_map::EnumMap; use ndarray::Array2; use strum::IntoEnumIterator; use crate::binary::CellState; use crate::binary::Direction; use crate::binary::State; use crate::board_metadata::BoardMetadata; use crate::board_metadata::CellLocation; use crate::rules::Rules; struct CellInfo { neighbours: EnumMap>, state: CellState, } impl CellInfo { fn new(neighbours: EnumMap>) -> CellInfo { CellInfo { neighbours, state: CellState::new(), } } fn update_neighbour_state(&mut self, direction: Direction, new_state: State) -> () { self.state.update_neighbour_state(direction, new_state) } fn update_state(&mut self, new_state: State) { self.state.update_state(new_state) } } pub struct Game { cell_rules: Vec, board: Array2, rows: usize, columns: usize, } impl Game { // only updates the state of this cell for it and its neighbours; // only state of this cell is used from new_cell fn update_cell(&mut self, location: CellLocation, new_state: State) { //println!("Updating cell {}:{}", location.row, location.column); self.board[location].update_state(new_state); for direction in Direction::iter() { match self.board[location].neighbours[direction] { Some(neighbour_location) => { //println!("Updating neighbour cell {}:{}", neighbour_location.row, neighbour_location.column); self.board[neighbour_location].update_neighbour_state(direction, new_state); }, _ => {}, } } } fn build_cell_rules() -> Vec { let mut result = vec![State::None; 1 << 18]; for i in 0..1usize << 18 { let original_state = CellState::from_number(i as u32); let mut neighbour_counts = EnumMap::new(); for direction in Direction::iter() { neighbour_counts[original_state.get_neighbour_state(direction)] += 1usize; } let new_state = T::get_next_state(original_state.get_state(), neighbour_counts); result[i] = new_state; //println!("Rule #{}: for state_counts [{}, {}, {}, {}] and old state {} new state is {}", i, state_counts[0], state_counts[1], state_counts[2], state_counts[3], current_state, new_state); } result } fn get_next_state(&self, cell_info: &CellInfo) -> State { self.cell_rules[cell_info.state.get_number() as usize] } pub fn next_step(&mut self) -> usize { let mut changes: Vec<_> = vec![]; for row in 0..self.rows { for column in 0..self.columns { let location = CellLocation::new(row, column); let cell = &self.board[location]; let next_state = self.get_next_state(cell); //println!("location: {}:{}, neighbours state {}, old state {}, next state {}", location.row, location.column, cell.neighbours_states, cell.state, next_state); if next_state != cell.state.get_state() { changes.push((location, next_state)); } } } let changes_count = changes.len(); for (location, new_state) in changes { self.update_cell(location, new_state); } changes_count } pub fn from_input(input_data: &[String]) -> Self { let rows = input_data.len(); let columns = input_data[0].len(); let board_metadata = BoardMetadata::new(rows, columns); let mut states = board_metadata.create_board_default(); for row in 0..rows { let chars = input_data[row].chars().collect::>(); for column in 0..columns { let ch = chars[column]; states[[row, column]] = match ch { '.' => State::Floor, 'L' => State::SeatEmpty, '#' => State::SeatOccupied, _ => State::None, } } } let board = board_metadata.create_board_from_shape_fn(|cell_location| { CellInfo::new(R::get_neighbours(cell_location, &board_metadata, &states)) }); let cell_rules = Self::build_cell_rules::(); let mut game = Game { rows, columns, board, cell_rules, }; for row in 0..rows { for column in 0..columns { let location = CellLocation::new(row, column); game.update_cell(location, states[location]); } } return game; } pub fn print_board(&self) { for row in (&self.board).genrows() { println!("{}", row.iter().map(|cell| { match cell.state.get_state() { State::Floor => '.', State::SeatEmpty => 'L', State::SeatOccupied => '#', State::None => '0', } }).collect::()); } } pub fn get_count_of_cells_for_state(&self, state: State) -> usize { (&self.board).iter().filter(|&cell| cell.state.get_state() == state).count() } }